An extensive combined list of published papers and reports from 1981 to date (2018).
Select the year from below to jump to a list of publications from that year.
- 1981 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
- 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1995 1997 1998 1999
- 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
- 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
- In Press
1981 ^ Top
Geotest AG; Ingenieurunternehmung AG Bern (1981): Sondierbohrungen Juchlistock-Grimsel. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 81-07. Nagra, Baden.
1984 ^ Top
Pfister E.; Nold A.L. (1984): The Grimsel Rock Laboratory.- Radioactive Waste Management 3, 329-337.
Wernli B.; Bajo C.; Bischoff K.; EIR (1984): Bestimmung des Sorptionskoeffizienten von Uran (VI) an Grimsel- und Böttsteingranit. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 84-46. Nagra, Baden.
1985 ^ Top
Nagra; BGR; GSF (1985): Felslabor Grimsel. Rahmenprogramm und Statusbericht. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 85-34. Nagra, Baden.
Nagra; BGR; GSF (1985): Felslabor Grimsel. Übersicht und Untersuchungsprogramme. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 85-47. Nagra, Baden.
Nagra; BGR; GSF (1985): Grimsel Test Site. Overview and test programs. Nagra Technical Report NTB 85-46. Nagra, Baden.
1986 ^ Top
Keusen H.R.; Weidmann U. (1986): Das Nagra-Felslabor Grimsel.- Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 6 / 3, 492-502.
1987 ^ Top
Alexander W.R.; Scott R.D.; MacKenzie A.B.; McKinley I.G. (1987): Natural analogue studies at Grimsel, Southern Switzerland.- Natural Analogues in Radioactive Waste Disposal, Come B.; Chapman N.A. (eds.), Proceedings of a Symposium held in Brussels on 28-30th April 1987, EUR 11037 EN.
Falk L.; Magnusson K.-Å; Olsson O.; Ammann M.; Keusen H.R.; Sattel G. (1987): Grimsel Test Site: Analysis of radar measurements performed at the Grimsel Rock Laboratory in October 1985. Nagra Technical Report NTB 87-13. Nagra, Baden.
1988 ^ Top
Alexander W.R.; Scott R.D.; MacKenzie A.B.; McKinley I.G. (1988): A natural analogue study of radionuclide migration in a water conducting fracture in crystalline rock.- Radiochimica Acta 44/45, 283-289.
Blümling P.; Sattel G. (1988): Tomographische Untersuchungen.- Nagra Informiert / Informe / Bulletin / 1+2, 35-40.
Bräuer V.; Kilger B.; Pahl A.; Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover (1988): Felslabor Grimsel: Ingenieurgeologische Untersuchungen zur Interpretation von Gebirgs-Spannungsmessungen und Durchströmungsversuchen. Nagra Technical Report NTB 88-37. Nagra, Baden.
Brewitz W.; Brassler Th.; Kull H. (1988): Ventilationstest.- Nagra Informiert / Informe / Bulletin / 1+2, 46-49.
Degueldre C. (1988): Vergleichstest der Probenahme und Charakterisierung von Grimselwasser-Kolloiden.- Nagra Informiert / Informe / Bulletin / 3, 27-32.
Hufschmied P.; Adank P. (1988): Modellierung der Grundwasserströmung im Gebirgskörper um das Felslabor Grimsel.- Nagra Informiert / Informe / Bulletin / 1+2, 50-52.
Lieb R.W. (1988): Das Felslabor Grimsel von 1983 bis 1990 - Eine Übersicht.- Nagra Informiert / Informe / Bulletin / 1+2, 5-13.
Lieb R.W. (1988): Presentation of the Grimsel Test Site.- Nuclear Engineering and Design 116, 7-9.
Liedtke L.; Zuidema P. (1988): Der Bohrlochkranzversuch.- Nagra Informiert / Informe / Bulletin / 1+2, 41-45.
McKinley I.G.; Alexander W.R.; Bajo C.; Frick U. [et al.] (1988): The radionuclide migration experiment at the Grimsel rock laboratory, Switzerland - Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XI: Symposium held November 30-December 3, 1987, Boston, Apted M.J.; Westerman R.E. (eds.), Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 112, Materials Research Society MRS, Pittsburgh, 179-187.
Müller W.H. (1988): Felslabor Grimsel: Geologische Geschichte des Gebietes und spezielle Aspekte der Wasserführung.- Nagra Informiert / Informe / Bulletin / 1+2, 13-20.
Niva B.; Olsson O.; Blümling P. (1988): Grimsel Test Site: Radar crosshole tomography with application to migration of saline tracer through fracture zones. Nagra Technical Report NTB 88-31. Nagra, Baden.
Westfälische Berggewerkschaftskasse WBK (1988): Felslabor Grimsel: Seismische Durchschallungstomographie. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 88-06. Nagra, Baden.
1989 ^ Top
Bradbury M.H. (ed.) (1989): Grimsel Test Site: Laboratory investigations in support of the migration experiments. Nagra Technical Report NTB 88-23. Nagra, Baden.
Bräuer V.; Kilger B.; Pahl A.; Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover (1989): Grimsel Test Site: Engineering geological investigations for the interpretation of rock stress measurements and fracture flow tests. Nagra Technical Report NTB 88-37 E. Nagra, Baden.
Davey A.; Karasaki K.; Long J.C.S.; Landsfeld M.; Mensch A.; Martel S.J. (1989): Analysis of the hydraulic data from the MI fracture zone at the Grimsel Rock Laboratory, Switzerland. LBL 27864, NAGRA-DOE Cooperative Project Report.
Degueldre C. [et al.] (1989): Grimsel Colloid Exercise. Programm Entsorgung, Labor für Werkstoffe und nukleare Verfahren. PSI Bericht 39-89. PSI, Villigen.
Degueldre C.; Baeyens B.; Goerlich W.; Riga J.; Verbist J.; Stadelmann P. (1989): Colloids in water from a subsurface fracture in granitic rock, Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland.- Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53 / 3, 603-610.
Flach D.; Noell U. (1989): Felslabor Grimsel: Neigungsmessungen zur Ermittlung neotektonischer Vorgänge. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 89-11. Nagra, Baden.
Gelbke C.; Miranda F.; Sattel G. (1989): Results of a seismic transmission tomography survey at the Grimsel rock laboratory.- The Log Analyst, 243-260.
Herzog F. (1989): Grimsel Test Site - Hydrologic modelling of the migration site at the Grimsel Test Site - The Steady State. Nagra Technical Report NTB 89-16. Nagra, Baden.
Keusen H.R.; Ganguin J.; Schuler P.; Buletti M. (1989): Felslabor Grimsel Geologie. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 87-14. Nagra, Baden.
Keusen H.R.; Ganguin J.; Schuler P.; Buletti M.; GEOTEST (1989): Grimsel Test Site: Geology. Nagra Technical Report NTB 87-14 E. Nagra, Baden.
Pahl A.; Heusermann St.; Bräuer V.; Glöggler W.; BGR (1989): Felslabor Grimsel: Gebirgsspannungsuntersuchungen. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 88-39. Nagra, Baden.
Pahl A.; Heusermann St.; Bräuer V.; Glöggler W. (1989): Grimsel Test Site: Rock stress investigations. Nagra Technical Report NTB 88-39 E. Nagra, Baden.
Schneefuss J.; Gläss F.; Gommlich G.; Schmidt M.; GFS (1989): Felslabor Grimsel: Wärmetest – Abschlussbericht. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 88-40. Nagra, Baden.
Schneefuss J.; Gläss F.; Gommlich G.; Schmidt M.; GSF (1989): Grimsel Test Site: Heater test - Final report. Nagra Technical Report NTB 88-40 E. Nagra, Baden.
Wyss E.; Solexperts AG, Schwerzenbach (1989): Felslabor Grimsel: Hydrogeologische Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung hydraulischer Potentiale. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 89-01. Nagra, Baden.
1990 ^ Top
Aksoyoglu S.; Bajo C.; Mantovani M. (1990): Batch sorption experiments with Iodine, Bromine; Strontium, Sodium and Cesium on Grimsel Mylonite. PSI Report 83-90. PSI, Villigen.
Alexander W.R; Mackenzie A.B.; Scott R.D.; McKinley I.G. (1990): Natural Analogue Studies in crystalline rock: The influence of water-bearing fractures on radionuclide immobilisation in a granitic rock repository. Nagra Technical Report NTB 87-08. Nagra, Baden.
Alexander W.R.; McKinley I.G.; MacKenzie A.B.; Scott R.D. (1990): Verification of matrix diffusion in granite by means of natural decay series disequilibria.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XIII: symposium held November 27-30, 1989, Boston, Massachusetts, Materials Research Society symposium proceedings 176, Oversby V.M.; Brown P.W. (eds.), Materials Research Society MRS, Pittsburgh, 567-576.
Bräuer V. (1990): Trennflächen- und Mikrorissuntersuchungen im Zentralen Aaregranit zur Interpretation von Gebirgsspannungsmessungen im Felslabor Grimsel/Schweiz. Universität Hannover.
Degueldre C. [et al.] (1990): Grimsel Test Site: Grimsel Colloid Exercises: An international intercomparison exercise on the sampling and characterisation of groundwater colloids. EUR 12660, Nagra Technical Report NTB 90-01. Nagra, Wettingen.
Hoehn E.; Fierz Th.; Thorne P. (1990): Grimsel Test Site: Hydrogeological characterisation of the migration experimental area at the Grimsel Test Site. Nagra Technical Report NTB 89-15. Nagra,
Longworth G.; Ivanovich M. (1990): Sampling and physical and actinide characterization of colloids from the Grimsel test site. EUR 12766. EC, Brussels.
Majer E.L.; Myer L.R.; Peterson J.E.; Karasaki K.; Long J.C.S.; Martel S.J.; Blümling P.; Vomvoris S. (1990): Joint seismic, hydrogeological and geochemical investigations of a fracture zone in the Grimsel Rock Laboratory, Switzerland. LBL 27913, Nagra Technical Report NTB 90-49. Nagra, Wettingen.
Majer E.L.; Peterson J.E.; Blümling P.; Sattel G. (1990): P-Wave imaging of the FRI and BK zones at the Grimsel Rock Laboratory. LBL 28807, NAGRA-DOE Cooperative Project Report.
Majer E.L.; Peterson J.E.; Blümling P.; Sattel G. (1990): Shear wave experiments at the U.S. site at the Grimsel Laboratory. LBL 28808, NAGRA-DOE Cooperative Project Report.
Martel S.J.; Peterson J.E. (1990): Use of integrated geologic and geophysical information for characterizing the structure of fracture systems at the US/BK site, Grimsel Laboratory, Switzerland. LBL 27912, NAGRA-DOE Cooperative Project Report.
1991 ^ Top
Aksoyoglu S.; Bajo C.; Mantovani M. (1991): Grimsel Test Site: Batch sorption experiments with iodine, bromine, strontium, sodium and cesium on Grimsel mylonite. Nagra Technical Report NTB 91-06. Nagra, Wettingen.
Baertschi P.; Alexander W.R.; Dollinger H. (1991): Grimsel Test Site: Uranium migration in crystalline rock: Capillary solution transport in the granite of the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland. Nagra Technical Report NTB 90-15. Nagra, Wettingen.
Bossart P.; Mazurek M. (1991): Grimsel Test Site: Structural geology and water flow-paths in the migration shear-zone. Nagra Technical Report NTB 91-12. Nagra, Wettingen.
Eikenberg J.; Baeyens B.; Bradbury M.H. (1991): Grimsel Test Site - The Grimsel Migration Experiment: A hydrogeochemical equilibrium test. Nagra Technical Report NTB 90-39. Nagra, Wettingen.
Frick U.; Alexander W.R.; Drost W. (1991): The radionuclide migration experiment at Nagra's Grimsel underground test site-a comprehensive programme including field, laboratory and modelling studies.- International Atomic Energy Agency (1991): Isotope techniques in water resources development 1991 : proceedings of a symposium, Vienna, 11-15 March 1991. IAEA-SM-319/27. IAEA, Vienna, 463-476.
Herzog F. (1991): GTS: A simple transport model for the Grimsel Migration Experiments. Nagra Technical Report NTB 91-31. Nagra, Wettingen.
Martel S.J.; Peterson J.E. Jr. (1991): Interdisciplinary characterization of fracture systems at the US/BK site, Grimsel Laboratory, Switzerland.- International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts 28 / 4, 295-323.
Voborny O.; Adank P.; Hürlimann W.; Vomvoris S.; Mishra S. (1991): Grimsel Test Site: Modeling of groundwater flow in the rock body surrounding the underground laboratory. Nagra Technical Report NTB 91-03. Nagra, Wettingen.
1992 ^ Top
Alexander W.R.; Bradbury M.H.; McKinley I.G.; Heer W.; Eikenberg J.; Frick U. (1992): The current status of the radionuclide migration experiment at the Grimsel underground rock laboratory.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XV: symposium held November 4-7, 1991, Strasbourg, France Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 257, Sombret C.G. (ed.), Materials Research Society MRS, Pittsburgh, 721-728
Blümling P.; Cosma C.; Korn M.; Gelbke C.; Cassell B. (1992): Grimsel Test Site: Geophysical methods for the detection of discontinuities ahead of a tunnel face. Nagra Technical Report NTB 90-07. Nagra, Wettingen.
Eikenberg J.; Frick U.; Fierz T.; Bühler C. (1992): On-line detection of stable helium isotopes in migration experiments.- Tracer Hydrology, Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on water tracing, Karlsruhe, Germany, Sept. 21-26, Hötzl and Werner (eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam, 77-84.
Frick U.; Alexander W.; Baeyens B.; Bossart P. [et al.] (1992): Grimsel Test Site: The Radionuclide Migration Experiment: Overview of investigations 1985 - 1990. Nagra Technical Report NTB 91-04.
Nagra, Wettingen.
Kralik M.; Clauer N.; Holnsteiner R. [et al.] (1992): Recurrent fault activity in the Grimsel Test Site (GTS, Switzerland): revealed by Rb-Sr, K-Ar and tritium isotope techniques.- Journal of the Geological Society, London 149, 293-301.
Pahl A.; Liedtke L.; Naujoks A.; Bräuer V.; Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover (1992): Felslabor Grimsel: Bohrlochkranzversuch: Durchströmung von geklüftetem Fels. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 91-01. Nagra, Wettingen.
Pahl A.; Liedtke L.; Naujoks A.; Bräuer V., Federal Institute for Geoscience and Natural Resources, Hannover (1992): Grimsel Test Site: Fracture system flow test. Nagra Technical Report NTB 91-01 E. Nagra, Wettingen.
Scott R.D.; MacKenzie A.B.; Alexander W.R. (1992): The interpretation of 238U-234U-230Th-226Ra disequilibria produced by rock-water interactions.- The Poços the Caldas Project: Natural Analogues of Processes in a Radioactive Waste Repository, Journal of Geochemical Exploration 45, 323-343.
Smith P.A. (1992): Grimsel Test Site: Migration experiment: Modelling of laboratory high-pressure infiltration experiments. Nagra Technical Report NTB 91-33. Nagra, Wettingen.
Vomvoris S.; Frieg B. (eds.) (1992): Grimsel Test Site: Overview of Nagra field and modeling activities in the Ventilation Drift (1988-1990). Nagra Technical Report NTB 91-34. Nagra, Wettingen.
Vomvoris S.; Frieg B. (eds.) (1992): Grimsel Test Site: Interpretation of crosshole hydraulic tests and a pilot fluid logging test for selected boreholes within the BK-Site. Nagra Technical Report NTB 91-09. Nagra, Wettingen.
1993 ^ Top
Alexander W.R.; Frieg B.; Short S.A.; Kawamura H.; McKinley I.G. (1993): Model testing in the extreme? Excavation of the site of an in situ radionuclide migration experiment.- Proceedings of the topical meeting on site characterization and model validation : Focus '93 : September 26-29, 1993, Las Vegas. American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, 71-78.
Finsterle S.; Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, ETH Zürich (1993): Inverse Modellierung zur Bestimmung hydrogeologischer Parameter eines Zweiphasensystems. Nagra
Technischer Bericht NTB 93-20. Nagra, Wettingen.
Kull H.; Brewitz W.; Klarr K. (1993): Felslabor Grimsel: Ventilationstest - In-situ-Verfahren zur Permeabilitätsbestimmung im Kristallin. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 91-02. Nagra, Wettingen.
Kull H.; Brewitz W.; Klarr K. (1993): Ventilationtest: in-situ-experiment for determination of permeability in crystalline rock : Grimsel Test Site. Nagra Technical Report NTB 91-02 E. Nagra, Wettingen.
1994 ^ Top
Correa N.R. (ed.) (1994): Modeling of groundwater flow at the subregional scale : boundary conditions, transient and thermal effects, inverse modeling : Grimsel Test Site. Nagra Technical Report NTB 94-07. Nagra, Wettingen.
Eikenberg J.; Hoehn E.; Fierz T.; Frick U. (1994): Grimsel Test Site : preparation and performance of migration experiments with radioisotopes of sodium, strontium and iodine. PSI Bericht 94-11. PSI, Villigen.
Frick U. (1994): The Grimsel radionuclide migration experiment - A contribution to raising confidence in the validity of solute transport models used in performance assessment.- Nuclear Energy Agency; Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate: GEOVAL '94 : validation through model testing : proceedings of an NEA/SKI symposium : Paris, 11-14 October 1994, 245-272.
Frieg B.; Vomvoris S. (eds.) (1994): Investigation of hydraulic parameters in the saturated and unsaturated zone of ventilation drift: Grimsel Test Site. Nagra Technical Report NTB 93-10. Nagra,
Hoehn E.; Eikenberg J.; Fierz T.; Frick U. (1994): Field experiments of radionuclide migration at the Grimsel Test site (Swiss Alps).- Transport and reactive processes in aquifers. Proceedings of the IAHR/AIRH symposium on transport and reactive processes in aquifers, Zürich 11-15 April 1994, Dracos T.H.; Stauffer F., Balkema, Rotterdam, 235-241.
Liedtke L.; Götschenberg A.; Jobmann M. [et al.] (1994): Bohrlochkranzversuch : experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zum Stofftransport in geklüftetem Fels : Felslabor Grimsel. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 94-02. Nagra, Wettingen.
Liedtke L.; Götschenberg A.; Jobmann M. [et al.] (1994): Fracture System Flow Test : experimental and numerical investigations of mass transport in fractured rock : Grimsel Test Site. Nagra Technical Report NTB 94-02 E. Nagra, Wettingen.
Nagra (1994): 10 Jahre FLG: Festschrift zum 10-jährigen Bestehen des Felslabors Grimsel. Nagra, Wettingen.
Nagra (1994): 10 years GTS: Research at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS). Nagra, Wettingen.
Noell U.H. (1994): Über den Einfluss elastischer Heterogenitäten auf Gezeitenneigungen am Beispiel der Messungen im Felslabor Grimsel. Berichte des Instituts für Geophysik der Universität Stuttgart. Institut für Geophysik der Universität Stuttgart.
Sebesta F.; John J.; Bühler C.; Raz U. (1994): Treatment of underground water contaminated by 137Cs at Nagra Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland.- Proceedings of the International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Hazardous Waste Management : Spectrum '94 : August 14-18, 1994, Atlanta, 231-236.
1995 ^ Top
Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos (1995): FEBEX : full scale engineered barrier experiment in crystalline host rock : test plan ; 2a : Mock-up test : main report : version 1. ENRESA, Madrid.
Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos (1995): FEBEX : full scale engineered barrier experiment in crystalline host rock : test plan ; 2b : Mock-up test : appendices : version 1. ENRESA, Madrid.
Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos (1995): FEBEX : full scale engineered barrier experiment in crystalline host rock : test plan ; 3 : Quality assurance program : version 0. ENRESA, Madrid.
Kull H.; Miehe R. (1995): Der Einfluss der Stollen-Ventilation auf die hydraulischen Fliessverhältnisse im ausbruchsnahen Gebirgsbereich (Kristallin) : Felslabor Grimsel. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 94-04. Nagra, Wettingen.
Kull H.; Miehe R. (1995): The influence of tunnel ventilation on the hydraulic flow conditions in the crystalline rock zone in the tunnel near-field : Grimsel Test Site. Nagra Technical Report NTB 94-04 E. Nagra, Wettingen.
McCombie C.; McKinley I.G.; Vomvoris S. (1995): Contributions of the Grimsel Test Site (GTS) to Swiss site characterisation programmes.- High level radioactive waste management : proceedings of the sixth annual international conference : Las Vegas, Nevada, April 30-May 5, 1995. American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, 172-174.
Marschall P.; Vomvoris S. (eds.) (1995): Developments in hydrotesting, fluid logging and combined salt/heat tracer experiments in the BK site (Phase 3 : Grimsel Test Site). Nagra Technical Report NTB 93-47. Nagra, Wettingen.
Umeki H.; Hatanaka K.; Alexander W.R.; McKinley I.; Frick U. (1995): The Nagra/PNC Grimsel Test Site radionuclide migration experiment - Rigorous field testing of transport models.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management 18: symposium held October 23-27, 1994, Kyoto, Japan. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 353, 427-434.
1996 ^ Top
Alexander W.R.; Frieg B.; Ota K. Bossart P. (1996): The RRP Project: Investigating Radionuclide Retardation in the Host Rock.- Nagra Bulletin 27, 43-55.
Alexander W.R.; Frieg B.; Ota K. Bossart P. (1996): Das Projekt RRP - Untesuchung der Retardation von Radionukliden im Wirtgestein.- Nagra Informiert / Informe / Bulletin / 27, 43-55.
Degueldre C.; Grauer R.; Laube A. (1996): Colloid properties in granitic groundwater systems. II: Stability and transport study.- Applied Geochemistry 11 / 5, 697-710.
Degueldre C.; Pfeiffer H.-R.; Alexander W.R. [et al.] (1996): Colloid properties in granitic groundwater systems. I: sampling and characterisation.- Applied Geochemistry 11 / 5, 677-695.
Frieg B.; Marschall P.; Bümling P. Albert W. Kull H.; Liedtke L. (1996): The near-field programme and the tomography and borehole sealing projects.- Nagra Bulletin 27, 18-42.
Frieg B.; Marschall P.; Bümling P.; Albert W.; Kull H.; Liedtke L. (1996): FLG - Das Programm Nahfeld und die Einzelprojekte Tomographie und Bohrlochversiegelung.- Nagra Informiert / Informe / Bulletin / 27, 18-42.
Fuentes-Cantillana J.L.; Huertas F.; Del-Olmo C. (1996): The «FEBEX» project: An in-situ full scale engineered barrier test.- American Nuclear Society; U.S. Department of Energy; International Atomic Energy Agency [et al.]: Proceedings of the international topical meeting on Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Management : Spectrum '96 : August 18-23, 1996, Seattle. Vol. 3, 2167-2173.
Hadermann J.; Heer W. (1996): The Grimsel (Switzerland) migration experiment : integrating field experiments, laboratory investigations and modelling.- Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 21 / 1-4, 87-100.
Heer W.; Hadermann J. (1996): Modelling radionuclide migration field experiments : Grimsel Test Site. Nagra Technical Report NTB 94-18. Nagra, Wettingen.
Keppler A. (1996): Hydrogeologische, hydrochemische und isotopenhydrologische Untersuchungen an den Oberflächen- und Kluftwässern im Grimselgebiet, Schweiz. Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, München.
Kickmaier W.; McKinley I. (1996): A review of research carried out in European rock laboratories.- European Nuclear Society; Swedish Nuclear Society (eds.): TOPSEAL '96 : International topical meeting : Demonstrating the practical achievements of nuclear waste management and disposal : Stockholm, June 9-12, 1996, 116-123.
Kickmaier W.; McKinley I. (1996): Investigation in Phases I to III (1983 - 1993) at the Grimsel Test Site - a Retrospective.- Nagra Bulletin 27, 5-14.
Kickmaier W.; McKinley I. (1996): Rückschau auf die Untersuchungen der Phasen I bis III im FLG (1983-1993).- Nagra Informiert / Informe / Bulletin / 27, 5-14.
McKinley I.; Kickmaier W.; del Olmo C.; Huertas F. (1996): The FEBEX Project: Full-Scale simulation of the engineered barriers for a HLW repository.- Nagra Bulletin 27, 56-67.
McKinley I.; Kickmaier W.; del Olmo C.; Huertas F. (1996): Das Projekt FEBEX - Die technischen Barrieren eines HAA-Endlagers im 1:1-Versuch.- Nagra Informiert / Informe / Bulletin / 27, 56-67.
McKinley I.; Sprecher C. (1996): Planning Phase IV (1994-1996).- Nagra Bulletin 27, 15-17.
McKinley I.; Sprecher C. (1996): FLG - Planung der Phase IV (1994-1996).- Nagra Informiert / Informe / Bulletin / 27, 15-17.
Ulibarri A.M.; del Olmo C.; Huertas F.; McKinley I.G.; Kickmaier W. (1996): FEBEX : An example of a major international collaborative project.- American Nuclear Society; U.S. Department of Energy; International Atomic Energy Agency [et al.]: Proceedings of the international topical meeting on Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Management : Spectrum '96 : August 18-23, 1996, Seattle. Vol. 3, 2161-2166.
Yllera A.; Hernandez a.; Garcia M. [et al.] (1996): Preliminary tracer selection for the mock-up test : FEBEX. Ciemat.
1997 ^ Top
Alexander W.R.; Frieg B.; Ota K.; Bossart P. (1997): The assessment of radionuclide retardation in fractured crystalline rocks - Executive Summary.- Nuclear Energy Agency: Field tracer transport experiments : role in the prediction of radionuclide migration : synthesis and proceedings of an NEA/EC GEOTRAP workshop hosted by the Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) : Cologne, 28-30 August 1996, 217-218.
Alexander W.R.; McKinley I.; Ota K. (1997): The Grimsel field tracer migration experiment - What have we achieved after a decade of intensive work? - Executive Summary.- Nuclear Energy Agency: Field tracer transport experiments : role in the prediction of radionuclide migration : synthesis and proceedings of an NEA/EC GEOTRAP workshop hosted by the Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) : Cologne, 28-30 August 1996, 119-122.
Blümling P. (1997): Borehole sealing project at the Grimsel Test Site.- Geo-Engineering of hazardous and radioactive waste disposal: 3rd European Engineering Geology Conference, 33rd Annual Conference of the Engineered Group of the Geological Society, Newcastle, 19-35.
Eikenberg J.; Ruethi M.; Alexander R.; Frieg B.; Fierz T. (1997): The Grimsel migration test site (GTS) excavation project: in-situ resolution gamma spectrometric analysis of Co-60, Se-75,Sn-113, Eu-152, U-235 and Np-237 / Pa-233.- Paul Scherrer Institut annual report 1996. Annex II: PSI life sciences and Institute for Medical Radiobiology Newsletter, 63.
Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radioactivos (1997): FEBEX : Full-scale engineered barriers experiment in crytalline host rock : 3rd international workshop FEBEX, Meiringen, 16/18 June 1997. Report 70-ST-C-0-35. ENRESA, Madrid.
Heer W. (1997): Modelling the Grimsel migration field experiments at PSI.- Paul Scherrer Institut Annual report ; 1996 : annex IV : PSI nuclear energy and safety research, 65-72.
Kickmaier W.; McKinley I. (1997): Research in European rock laboratories.- Nagra Informiert / Informe / Bulletin / 29, 29-36.
Kickmaier W.; Thury M.; McCombie C. (1997): The Grimsel rock laboratory in the Swiss Alps : An overview of the research programme.- European Geologist: Journal of the European Federation of Geologists 5, 23-28.
Kunstmann H.; Kinzelbach W.; Marschall P.; Guomin L. (1997): Joint inversion of tracer tests using reversed flow fields. - Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 26 / 1-4, 215-226.
McCombie C.; Kickmaier W. (1997): Full-scale engineered barriers experiment in crystalline rock (FEBEX).- Wissenchaftliche Kurzberichte der Schweizer Teilnehmer an EU-Projekten 1996, Bundesamt für Bildung und Wissenschaft.
McCombie C.; Kickmaier W.; McKinley I.; Sprecher C.; Thury M. (1997): Swiss underground rock laboratories in crystalline and clay: Rationale for technical programme choice.- Baker R.; Slate S.; Benda G. (eds.): Proceedings of the sixth international conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation : ICEM'97 : held in Singapore, October 12-16, 1997, 409-413.
McKie D.; Mäder U.; Alexander W.R.; McKinley I.G.; Yoshida H.; Ota K. (1997): Development of a mechanistic model to interpret natural series disequilibrium data.- Maravic H. von; Smellie J. (eds.): Seventh EC Natural Analogue Working Group meeting : proceedings of an international workshop held in Stein am Rhein, from 28 to 30 October 1996 : final report. EUR 17851 EN, 35-37.
Maurer H.; Green A.G. (1997): Potential coordinate mislocations in crosshole tomography: Results from the Grimsel test site, Switzerland.- Geophysics 62 / 6, 1696-1709.
Papp R. (1997): GEISHA : Gegenüberstellung von Endlagerkonzepten in Salz und Hartgestein. Wissenschaftliche Berichte FZKA-PTE 3. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe.
Zuidema P.; Smith P.; Schneider J. (1997): Why are we interested in FEBEX? The role of the near field and the importance of the early transient phase.- FEBEX : Full-scale engineered barriers experiment in crystalline host rock : 3rd international workshop FEBEX, Meiringen, 16/18 June 1997. Report 70-ST-C-0-35. ENRESA, Madrid (Session 1.1).
1998 ^ Top
Alexander W.R.; Bühler Ch.; Dollinger H.; Frieg B.; Haag P.; Möri A.; Ota K. (1998): The study of radionuclide retardation in fractured rock by means of in situ resin impregnation. Extended abstract.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XXI: symposium held September 28-October 3, 1997, Davos, Switzerland. MRS Symposium Proceedings 506, 1015-1016.
Alexander W.R.; Gautschi A.; Zuidema P. (1998): Thorough testing of performance assessment models: The necessary integration of in situ experiments, natural analogue studies and laboratory work. Abstract.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XXI: symposium held September 28-October 3, 1997, Davos, Switzerland. MRS Symposium Proceedings 506, 1013-1014.
Alexander W.R.; Ota K.; Frieg B.; McKinley I.G. (1998): The assessment of radionuclide retardation in fractured crystalline rocks.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XXI: symposium held September 28-October 3, 1997, Davos, Switzerland. MRS Symposium Proceedings 506, 1065-1066.
Buehnemann J.; Holliger K. (1998): Comparison of high-frequency seismic sources at the Grimsel test site, central Alps, Switzerland.- Geophysics 63 / 4, 1363-1370.
Eikenberg J.; Ruethi M.; Alexander W.R.; Frieg B.; Fierz T. (1998): The excavation project in the Grimsel test site - In-situ high resolution gamma and alpha spectrometry of Co-60, Se-75, Sn-113, Eu-152 and Np-237/Pa-233.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XXI: symposium held September 28-October 3, 1997, Davos, Switzerland. MRS Symposium Proceedings 506, 655-662.
Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, Madrid (1998): FEBEX : full-scale engineered barriers experiment in crystalline host rock : etapa preoperacional : informe de sintesis. Publicacion Tecnica 09/97. Empresa Nacional de Resiudios Radiactivos, S.A., Madrid.
Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radioactivos (1998): FEBEX : Full-scale engineered barriers experiment in crytalline host rock : Pre-operational stage : Summary report. Publicación tecnica num. 01/98. ENRESA, Madrid.
Empresa nacional de residuos radiactivos (1998): FEBEX: Full-scale engineered barriers experiment in crytalline host rock: Diseño final y montaje del ensayo "in situ" en Grimsel. Publicación tecnica num. 03/98. ENRESA, Madrid.
Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radioactivos (1998): FEBEX : Full-scale engineered barriers experiment in crytalline host rock : Bentonite : Origin, properties and fabrication of blocks. Publicación tecnica num. 05/98. ENRESA, Madrid.
Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radioactivos (1998): FEBEX : Full-scale engineered barriers experiment in crytalline host rock : Preoperational thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) modelling of the 'in-situ' test. Publicación tecnica num. 09/98. ENRESA, Madrid.
Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radioactivos (1998): FEBEX : Full-scale engineered barriers experiment in crytalline host rock : Preoperational thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) modelling of the 'mock-up' test. Publicación tecnica num. 10/98. ENRESA, Madrid.
European Commission; Haijtink B.; Davies C. (comp.) (1998): In situ testing in underground research laboratories for radioactive waste disposal: Proceedings of a CLUSTER seminar held in Alden Biesen, Belgium, 10 and 11 December 1997. EUR 18323 EN. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
Frieg B.; Alexander W.R.; Dollinger H.; Bühler C.; Haag P.; Möri A.; Ota K. (1998): In situ resin impregnation for investigating radionuclide retardation in fractured repository host rocks.- Migration '97 : 26-31 October, 1997, Sendai, Japan : Sixth International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behavior of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere. Special Issue: Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 35, 115-130.
Fuentes-Cantillana J.L.; García-Siñeriz J.L. (1998): FEBEX : Full-scale engineered barriers experiment in crytalline host rock : Final design and installation of the 'in situ' test at Grimsel. Publicación tecnica num. 12/98. ENRESA, Madrid.
Fujiwara A.; Yasutomi I.; Ando Y.; Vomvoris S.; Fukaya M.; Marschall P.; Kickmaier W.; Ando K. (1998): GMT : Large-scale in-situ testing of the gas migration properties of engineered barriers.- Presented at International Workshop on Key Issues in Waste Isolation Research, Barcelona, December 2-4, 1998.
Heer W.; Smith P. (1998): Modelling the radionuclide migration experiments at Grimsel : What have we learned?.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XXI: symposium held September 28-October 3, 1997, Davos, Switzerland. MRS Symposium Proceedings 506, 663-670.
Hoehn E.; Eikenberg J.; Fierz T.; Drost W.; Reichlmayr E. (1998): The Grimsel Migration Experiment : field injection-withdrawal experiments in fractured rock with sorbing tracers.- Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 34, 85-106.
Kickmaier W.; Birkhäuser Ph.; Gautschi A.; Thury M. (1998): An overview of R&D programmes in Swiss underground laboratories Grimsel Test Site and Mont Terri.- WM'98 : HLW, ILW, mixed wastes and environmental restoration - Working towards a cleaner environment. Proceedings of Waste Management 98, Tucson, Arizona, March 1-5, 1998, Session 45-04.
Ota K.; Alexander W.R.; Frieg B. (1998): Nagra/PNC field studies on radionuclide retardation in fractured crystalline rocks in the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland [in Japanese].- 1998 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 26-28 March 1998.
1999 ^ Top
Albert W.; Bühnemann J.; Holliger K.; Maurer H.R.; Pratt G.; Stekl I. (1999): Grimsel Test Site: Further development of seismic tomography. Nagra Technical Report NTB 97-05. Nagra, Wettingen.
Heer W.; Jakob A. (1999): Structural geology and transport modelling for Grimsel and Aspö.- Water-conducting features in radionuclide migration : Workshop Proceedings, Barcelona, Spain, 10-12 June 1998 [GEOTRAP workshop]. OECD / NEA, Paris, 311-322.
Hollender F. Tillard S.; Corin L. (1999): Multifold borehole radar acquisition and processing.- Geophysical Prospecting 47, 1077-1090.
Huertas F.; Santiago J.L.; Fuentes-Cantillana J.L.; Farina P.; Iberia D.M. (1999): FEBEX "In Situ" Test lessons learned. - Proceedings of the seventh international conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation : ICEM'99 : held in Nagoya, Japan, September 26-30, 1999, Session 41/1.
McKinley I.; Zuidema P. (1999): Integrated planning of laboratory, in-situ, modelling and natural analogue studies in the Swiss radioactive waste management programme. IAEA/SM 357/52.- International symposium Technologies for the management of radioactive waste from nuclear power plants and back end nuclear fuel cycle activities : Taejon, Republic of Korea, 30 August - 3 September 1999.
Marschall P.; Fein E.; Kull H.; Lanyon W.; Liedtke L.; Müller-Lyda I.; Shao H. (1999): Grimsel Test Site Investigation Phase V (1997-2002): Conclusions of the tunnel near-field programme (CTN). Nagra Technical Report NTB 99-07. Nagra, Wettingen.
Mazurek M.; Smith P.; Gautschi A.; Schneider J.; Zuidema P. (1999): Uncertainty in the description of water-conducting features and consequences for the calculation of radionuclide transport.- Water-conducting features in radionuclide migration : Workshop Proceedings, Barcelona, Spain, 10-12 June 1998 [GEOTRAP workshop]. OECD / NEA, Paris, 169-180.
2000 ^ Top
Alexander R.; Kickmaier W. (2000): Radionuclide retardation in water conducting systems – Lessons learned in the research programme in the Grimsel Test Site / Radionuklidretardation in wasserführenden Systemen – Erfahrungen aus den Untersuchungsprogrammen im Felslabor Grimsel.- Tagungsband 5. Workshop zur Sanierung der Hinterlassenschaften des Uranbergbaus: Chancen und Grenzen der geochemischen und Transport-Modellierung bei der Verwahrung von Uranbergwerken und bei der Endlagerung radioaktiver Stoffe. SMUL, Dresden, 29.
Fuentes-Cantillana J.L.; García-Siñeriz J.L. [et al.] (2000): FEBEX : Full-scale engineered barriers experiment for a deep geological repository for high-level radioactive waste in crytalline host rock : Final report. Publicación tecnica 1/2000. ENRESA, Madrid.
Gillow J.B.; Dunn M.; Francis A.J.; Lucero D.A.; Papenguth H.W. (2000): The potential of subterranean microbes in facilitating actinide migration at the Grimsel test site and waste isolation pilot plant.- [Migration '99] Radiochimica Acta 88 / 9-11, 769-774.
Guimerà J.; Duro L.; Bruno J. (2000): Radionuclide field tests in a single fracture. -TRAM 2000, International Conference on Tracers and Modelling in Hydrogeology, Liège, Belgium, May 23-26, 2000. IAHS Publ. no. 262, 309-314.
Huertas F. ; Fuentes-Cantillana J.L. ; Jullien F. [] (2000): Full-scale engineered barriers experiment for a deep geological repository for high-level radioactive waste in crystalline host rock (FEBEX project): Final report. EUR 19147 EN. European Commission, Brussels.
Kennedy K. (2000): Bacteriophages as particle migration indicators in subsurface environments. -TRAM 2000, International Conference on Tracers and Modelling in Hydrogeology, Liège, Belgium, May 23-26, 2000. IAHS Publ. no. 262, 151-158.
Lunati I.; Kinzelbach W. (2000): Effects of pore volume-transmissivity correlation on tracer experiments in a dipole flow field. - TRAM 2000, International Conference on Tracers and Modelling in Hydrogeology, Liège, Belgium, May 23-26, 2000. [Presentation, unpublished]
Mazurek M. (2000): Geological and hydraulic properties of water-conducting features in crystalline rocks.- Hydrogeology of crystalline rocks, Stober I.; Bucher K. (eds.), Kluwer Publ., 3-26.
Missana T.; Adel A. (2000): On the applicability of DLVO theory to the prediction of clay colloids stability. Journal of Colloids and Interface Science, 230, 150-156
Sánchez-Vila X.; Ramajo H.; Olivella S.; Carrera J. (2000): Scale effects in multiphase flow relative permeabilities. - European Geophysical Society XXV General Assembly, Nice, France, 25-29 April 2000. Geophysical Research Abstracts 2 / 1, 22.
Soler J.M. (2000): One-dimensional reactive transport modelling of the interaction between a high-pH plume and a fractured granodiorite. The GTS-HPF Project.- Goldschmidt 2000, September 3rd-8th, Oxford, UK. Journal of Conference Abstracts 5 / 2, 947.
2001 ^ Top
Alexander W.R.; Kickmaier W.; McKinley I.G.; Hugi M. (2001): In-situ radiochemical studies at Grimsel and Mont Terri.- 2001 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry and the Annual meeting of the Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences (APSORC 2001 and 45th SORC), 30 October - 1 November 2001, Fukuoka, Japan. Abstracts.- Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences 2 / Suppl., 69.
Ando K.; Fujiwara A.; Adachi T.; Vomvoris S. (2001): Total system evaluation of gas generation and migration in the radioactive waste repository.- Global 2001 : International conference on «Back-end of the fuel cycle: From research to solutions» : Paris, 9-13 September 2001: Proceedings. Eurodoc SA, Montigny le Bretonneux, Paper 226.
ENRESA (2001): IV Jornadas de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico en gestión de residuos radiactivos: Volumen 4: [Los laboratorios subterraneos]. Publicación técnica 10/2001. ENRESA, Madrid.
García-Gutiérrez M.; Missana T.; Mingarro M.; Samper J.; Dai Z.; Molinero J. (2001): Solute transport properties of compacted Ca-bentonite used in the FEBEX project.- [Migration '99] Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 47 / 2-4, 127-137.
Hicks T.; Muir-Wood R.; Regan T. (2001): Mapping the hydrogeology of faults. R&D Project Record P3-027PR. Environment Agency, Bristol.
Juncosa R. (2001): Modelos de flujo multifásico no isotermo y de transporte reactivo multicomponente en medios porosos. Publicación técnica 01/2001. ENRESA, Madrid.
Kennedy K.; Niehren S.; Kinzelbach W.; Marschall P.; Fierz T. (2001): The GAM project: Preliminary results from colloid and solute migration testing in a granite shear zone. - Migration '99: Seventh International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behavior of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Lake Tahoe NV., USA, 26 Sept. to 1 Oct. 1999. [Presentation, unpublished]
Kickmaier W.; Alexander W.R.; Möri A.; McKinley I.G. (2001): In-situ studies of actinide behaviour at the Grimsel Test Site.- Paper given at Actinides 2001, Hayama, Japan .
Kickmaier W.; Alexander W.R.; Vomvoris S.; McKinley I.G. (2001): Grimsel 2000: Status of international projects at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS).- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management 24 : Symposium held August 27-31, 2000, Sydney, Australia. MRS symposium proceedings vol. 663. Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 893-900.
Kull H.; Flach D.; Graefe V. (2001): Zweiphasenflussbedingungen in einer homogenen granitischen Gesteinsmatrix. Abschlussbericht. GRS-172. Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, Braunschweig.
Lunati I.; Attinger S.; Kinzelbach W. (2001): Gas migration experiments and tracer tests as a means to discriminate between different conceptual models for a heterogeneous single fracture. – Presented at Fractured Rock 2001, Toronto, Canada, March 26-28, 2001.
McKinley I.; Kickmaier W. (2001): Colloquium on the R&D of underground research laboratory facilities. INER Colloquium and Workshop on Grimsel international cooperation programme, Taiwan, 5-7 November 2001. INER, Taiwan.
Marschall P.; Brodsky N.; Mayor J.C.; Meier P. (2001): Solute and gas migration experiments in a heterogeneous shear zone.- Proceedings of the 9th International high-level radioactive waste management conference: April 29-May 3, 2001, Alexis Park Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada. American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Session N-3 / 3.
Möri A. (2001): Radionuclide retardation project at GTS - An overview of lessons learned and ongoing experiments.- First TRUE stage - transport of solutes in an interpreted single fracture: Proceedings from the 4th international seminar Äspö, September 9-11, 2000. SKB Technical Report TR 01-24, 181-202.
Möri A.; Ota K.; Alexander W.R.; Degueldre C. [et al.] (2001): The colloid and radionuclide retardation experiment (CRR) at the Grimsel Test Site: First evidences for the colloid-mediated radionuclide transport in a granitic fracture.- Migration '01: Chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere: Eighth international conference, Bregenz, September 16-21, 2001: Abstracts, 117.
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (2001): The role of underground laboratories in nuclear waste disposal programmes. OECD/NEA, Paris.
OECD SIDS (2001): Methyl methacrylate CAS NO. 80-62-6. UNEP Publications.
Ota K.; Alexander W.R. (2001): Development and testing of radionuclide transport models for fractured crystalline rock - An overview of the Nagra / JNC radionuclide retardation programme .- JNC Technical Review / 11.
Ota K.; Alexander W.R.; Smith P.A.; Möri A.; Frieg B.; Frick U.; Umeki H.; Amano K.; Cowper M.M.; Berry J.A. (2001): Building confidence in radionuclide transport models for fractured rock: The Nagra / JNC Radionuclide Retardation Programme.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XXIV: Symposium held August 27-31, 2000, Sydney, Australia. MRS symposium proceedings vol. 663. Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 1033-1041.
Raynal M. (2001): The use of scientific and technical results from underground research laboratory investigations for the geological disposal of radioactive waste. IAEA-TECDOC 1243. IAEA, Vienna.
Sardini P.; Meunier A.; Siitari-Kauppi M. (2001): Porosity distribution of minerals forming crystalline rocks.- Water-Rock Interaction: Proceedings of the tenth international symposium on water-rock interaction WRI-10, Villasimius, Italy 10-15 July 2001, Cidu R. [et al] (eds.), 2, 1375-1378.
Schild M.; Braun R.; Siegesmund S.; Vollbrecht A. (2001): Modellierung lokaler hydraulischer Wegsamkeiten und ihre Bedeutung für die Endlagerung in Kristallingesteinen.- Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 152 / 2-4, 577-591.
Schild; M.; Siegesmund S.; Vollbrecht A., Mazurek M. (2001): Characterization of granite matrix porosity and pore-space geometry by in situ and laboratory methods.- Geophysical Journal International 146, 111-125.
Shao H. (2001): Numerical interpretation of hydration tests on bentonite samples: Grimsel Test Site Phase V. Nagra GMT/IR 01-01. Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover.
Smith P.A.; Alexander W.R.; Heer W.; Fierz T.; Meier P.M.; Baeyens B.; Bradbury M.H.; Mazurek M.; McKinley I.G. (2001): Grimsel Test Site Investigation Phase IV (1994-1996): The Nagra-JNC in situ study of safety relevant radionuclide retardation in fractured crystalline rock I: Radionuclide migration experiment - Overview 1990-1996. Nagra Technical Report NTB 00-09. Nagra, Wettingen
Smith P.A.; Alexander W.R.; Kickmaier W.; Ota K.; Frieg B.; McKinley I.G. (2001): Development and testing of radionuclide transport models for fractured rock: Examples from the Nagra / JNC Radionuclide Migration Programme in the Grimsel test site, Switzerland.- [Migration '99] Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 47 / 2-4, 335-348.
Vomvoris S.; Fujiwara A.; Ando K.; Kaku K. (2001): Gas migration in the engineered barrier system: The GMT large-scale in-situ test in the Grimsel Test Site.- American Nuclear Society: Proceedings of the 9th International high-level radioactive waste management conference: April 29-May 3, 2001, Alexis Park Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Vomvoris S.; Marschall P.; Kickmaier W.; Ando K.; Fukaya M.; Fujiwara A.; Kaku K. (2001): GMT: A large-scale in-situ test of the gas migration properties of engineered barriers.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management 24 : Symposium held August 27-31, 2000, Sydney, Australia. MRS symposium proceedings vol. 663. Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 553-559.
2002 ^ Top
Alexander W.R.; Ota K.; Moeri A.; Kickmaier W. (2002): In situ radionuclide retardation in groundwater conducting systems - overview of the research programme in the Grimsel Test Site, Central Swiss Alps.- Royal Society of Chemistry: 9th international symposium on environmental radiochemical analysis: 18-20 September 2002, Maidstone, Abstracts, 31.
Ando K.; Adachi T.; Fujiwara A.; Vomvoris S.; Kickmaier W.; Yamamoto S.; Shimmura A. (2002): Backfilling for silo-type repository under realistic conditions – The Gas Migration Test at the Grimsel Test Site. – Presented at SCK.CEN Topical Day, 22 January 2002: Ethics on radioactive waste: How radiant is our future?
Ando K.; Adachi T.; Fujiwara A.; Vomvoris S.; Marschall P.; Lanyon B.; Yamamoto S.; Shimmura A. (2002): The in-situ Gas Migration Test (GMT) at the Grimsel Test Site: Resaturation phase of silo type repository.- Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: International meeting, Reims, December 9-12, 2002: Abstracts. Andra, Châtenay-Malabry, 285-286.
Chen Q.; Kinzelbach W. (2002): An NMR study of single- and two-phase flow in fault gouge filled fractures. - Journal of Hydrology, 259 / 1-4, 236-245.
Cuevas J.; Sánchez L.; Martín M.; Fernández R.; Vigil R.; Leguey S. (2002): Geochemical reactions of FEBEX bentonite in hyperalkaline conditions resembling the cement-bentonite interface.- Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: International meeting, Reims, December 9-12, 2002: Abstracts. Andra, Châtenay-Malabry, 407-408.
Cuevas J.; Villar M.V.; Martin M; Cobeña J.C.; Leguey S. (2002): Thermo-hydraulic gradients on bentonite: Distribution of soluble salts, microstructure and modification of the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour.- Applied Clay Science 22, 25-38.
Fernandez A.M.; Cuevas J.; Rivas P. (2002): Pore water chemistry of the Febex bentonite. - Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXIV : Symposium held August 27-31, 2000, Sydney, Australia , Hart K.P.; Lumpkin G.R. (eds.), MRS Symposium Proceedings vol. 663. Materials Research Society MRS, Pittsburgh, 573-588.
Fernández A.M.; Rivas P.; Baeyens B.; Bradbury M. (2002): Analysis of the pore water chemical composition of a Spanish bentonite used in an engineering barrier.- Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: International meeting, Reims, December 9-12, 2002: Abstracts. Andra, Châtenay-Malabry, 35-36.
Gens A.; Alonso E.; Sánchez M.; Guimaraes L. do N.; Olivella S. (2002): Modelling approaches used for the EBS: the FEBEX II project. - CLUSTER: Club of Underground Storage, TEsting and Research facilities for radioactive waste disposal: proceedings of the second CLUSTER URL's seminar held in Mol, Belgium, on 27 and 28 September 2001. EUR 19954 EN. European Commission, Brussels, 135–144.
Gens A.; Guimaraes L. do N.; Garcia-Molina A.; Alonso E.E. (2002): Factors controlling rock-clay buffer interaction in a radioactive waste repository.- Engineering Geology 64 / 2-3, 297-308.
Hansen B.G., Munn S.J.; Pakalin S. [et al.] (2002): European Union risk assessment report Vol.22: Methyl methacrylate. Final report. EUR 19832 EN. European Commission, Brussels.
Hauser H.; Geckeis H.; Kim J.I.; Fierz T. (2002): A mobile laser-induced breakdown detection system and its application for the in situ-monitoring of colloid migration.- Colloids Surface A, 203, 37-45.
Huertas F. (2002): Project FEBEX - Full-scale engineered barriers experiment for a deep geological repository for high-level radioactive waste in crystalline host rock. - CLUSTER: Club of Underground Storage, TEsting and Research facilities for radioactive waste disposal: proceedings of the second CLUSTER URL's seminar held in Mol, Belgium, on 27 and 28 September 2001. EUR 19954 EN. European Commission, Brussels, 69-80.
Jiménez S.L.; Rodríguez J.C.; Martín Barca M. [et al.] (2002): Procesos geoquímicos y modificaciones texturales en bentonita FEBEX compactada sometida a un gradiente termohidráulico. Publicación técnica 10/2002. ENRESA, Madrid.
Jockwer N.; Wieczorek K. (2002): Gas generation measurements in the FEBEX project. - Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: International meeting Reims, December 9-12, 2002: Abstracts. Andra, Châtenay-Malabry, 109-110.
Kickmaier W. (2002): Grimsel Test Site Phase V.- Nagra Bulletin 34, 10-23.
Kienzler B; Geckeis H.; Fanghänel Th. (2002): Radionuklidmigration in nicht salinaren Gesteinformationen: Stand und Perspektiven.- ATW: Atomwirtschaft, Atomtechnik 47 / 11, 693-698.
Kosakowski G. (2002): Modelling of colloid transport in a shear zone. TRePro 2002: Modelling of coupled transport reaction processes: Workshop of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 20-21 March 2002, Metz V.; Lützenkirchen J.; Schüssler W.; Pfingsten W. (eds.), Wissenschaftliche Berichte Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe FZKA 6721, Karlsruhe, Germany, 46.
Lunati I.; Attinger S.; Kinzelbach W. (2002): Macrodispersivity for transport in arbitrary non-uniform flow fields: Asymptotic and pre-asymptotic results. - Water Resources Research, 38 /10, 1187ff.
Lunati I.; Attinger S.; Kinzelbach W. (2002): Multi-tracer experiments as a means to discriminate between fracture models. - IAHR International Groundwater Symposium: Bridging the gap between measurement and modeling in heterogeneous media, Berkeley (CA), USA, March 25-28, 2002, Session 3.
Lunati I.; Attinger S.; Kinzelbach W. (2002): Heuristic extension of homogenization to pre-asymptotic plumes. - Presented at: Computational Methods in Water Resources, Delft, The Netherlands, June 23-28, 2002.
McKinley I.G.; Alexander W.R.; Kickmaier W.; Biggin C. (2002): Integrated programme of research into the behaviour of the clay engineered barrier: An example from Nagra's Grimsel Test Site.- Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: International meeting, Reims, December 9-12, 2002: Abstracts. Andra, Châtenay-Malabry, 287-288.
Missana T.; García-Gutiérrez M.; Alonso U. (2002): Kinetics and irreversibility of cesium and uranium sorption onto bentonite colloids in a deep granitic environment.- Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: International meeting Reims, December 9-12, 2002: Abstracts. Andra, Châtenay-Malabry, 357-358.
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, Radioactive Waste Management Committee (2002): Characterisation and representation of the Excavation Disturbed and Damaged Zone (EDZ): Lessons learnt from a SEDE Topical Session, 24th September 1998, Paris. OECD/NEA, Paris; NIREX Ltd.
Pudewills A.; Hauser H.; Geckeis H. (2002): Numerical modelling of flow and transport phenomena in fractured crystalline rock.- Proceedings of the 2nd Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Grenoble, F, August 26-28, 2002, Auriault J.-L. [et at.] (eds), A.A. BALKEMA, 527-532.
Ramajo H.; Jodar J.; Carrera J.; Olivella S.; (2002): Conceptualization of gas tracer tests within a fracture. - Groundwater quality: Natural and enhanced restoration of groundwater pollution: Proceedings of the Groundwater Quality 2001 Conference held at Sheffield, UK, June 2001. IAHS Publ. no. 275, 539–546.
Ramajo H.; Olivella S.; Carrera J.; Sánchez-Vila X. (2002): Simulation of gas dipole tests in fractures at the intermediate scale using a new upscaling method. - Transport in Porous Media 46 / 2, 269-284.
Robinet J.C.; Gatabin C.; Lassabatere T.; Plas F.; Vignal B. (2002): The effects of macro porosity (joints or void) on the unsaturated THM behaviour of swelling clay blocs and pellets assemblies: The examples of TSX, FEBEX and RESEAL projects.- Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: International meeting, Reims, December 9-12, 2002: Abstracts. Andra, Châtenay-Malabry, 79-80.
Shao H. (2002): Predictive modelling of GMT in situ experiment within a comparative modelling exercise. Nagra GMT/IR 01-08. Federal institute for geosciences and natural resources (BGR), Hannover.
Soler J.M., Mäder U.K. (2002): The GTS-HPF Experiment: Reaction-induced permeability changes. -Goldschmidt 2002, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66, Supplement 1, A726.
Soler J.M., Mäder U.K. (2002): High-pH plume reactive transport simulations.- TRePro 2002. Modelling of Coupled Transport Reaction Processes, Metz V.; Pfingsten W.; Lützenkirchen J.; Schüssler W. (eds.), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Technik und Umwelt, Wissenschaftliche Berichte FZK 6721, 97-100
Traexler K.A.; Ewing R.C. (2002): National spent nuclear fuel program: Colloid formation and the potential effects on radionuclide transport in a geologic repository for spent nuclear fuel. U.S. Department of Energy DOE, Washington.
Vomvoris S.; Kickmaier W.; McKinley I. (2002): Grimsel Test Site: The next decades.- Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management 26 : Symposium held December 2-5, 2002, Boston: Abstracts, Session II1.2. Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 713.
Vomvoris S.; Lanyon G.W.; Marschall P.; Ando K.; Adachi T.; Fujiwara A. (2002): Sand / bentonite barriers and gas migration: The GMT large-scale in-situ test in the Grimsel Test Site.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management 26 : Symposium held December 2-5, 2002, Boston: Abstracts, Session II3.27. Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 721.
2003 ^ Top
Adachi T.; Ando K.; Vomvoris S.; Fujiwara A.; Lanyon B.; Yamamoto S. (2003): First results of gas migration in sand/bentonite engineered barriers - The GMT project.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management 27: Kalmar, Sweden June 15-18, 2003: Abstracts, Materials Research Society MRS, SKB, Stockholm, 193-194.
Alexander W.R.; Ota K.; Frieg B. (eds.) (2003): The Nagra-JNC in situ study of safety relevant radionuclide retardation in fractured crystalline rock: II: The RRP project methodology development, field and laboratory tests. Grimsel Test Site Phase IV (1994-1996). Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 00-06. Nagra, Wettingen.
Alexander W.R., Smith P.A.; McKinley I.G. (2003): Modelling radionuclide transport in the geological environment: a case study from the field of radioactive waste disposal.- Modelling Radioactivity in the Environment, Scott E.M. (ed.), Radioactivity in the Environment 4, 109-145.
Bárcena I.; Fuentes-Cantillana J.L.; García-Siñeriz J.L. (2003): Dismantling of the heater 1 at the FEBEX "in situ" test: Description of operations. Publicación técnica 09/2003. ENRESA, Madrid.
Bazargan Sabet B.; Shao H.; Autio J. [et al.] (2003): EDZ assessment in FEBEX II Project.- Impact of the Excavation Disturbed or Damaged Zone (EDZ) on the performance of radioactive waste geological repositories: Proceedings of a European Commission CLUSTER conference held in Luxemburg on 3-5 November 2003, 63-68.
Biggin C.; Alexander R.; Kickmaier W.; McKinley I.G. (2003): Integrated programme of research into the behaviour of the clay engineered barrier: an example from Nagra's Grimsel Test Site.- Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: Experiments in underground laboratories. Reims 2002. ANDRA Science and Technology Series, 18-27.
Biggin C.; Möri A.; Alexander W.R.; Ota, K.; Frieg B.; Kickmaier W.; McKinley I. (2003): In-situ radionuclide retardation in groundwater conducting systems - Overview of the research carried out at Nagra's Grimsel Test Site, Central Switzerland.- Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Environmental Radiochemical Analysis II, September 2002, 207-228.
Himmelsbach Th.; Shao H.; Wieczorek K.; Flach D.; Schuster K.; Alheid H.-J.; Liou T.-S.; Bartlakowski J.; Krekeler T. (2003): Grimsel Test Site: Investigation Phase V: Effective Field Parameter EFP. Nagra Technical Report NTB 03-13. Nagra, Wettingen.
Huertas F.; Gago J.A. (2003): The FEBEX Project : A Demonstration of the Engineered Barriers Performance. - Process through cooperation: Proceedings of the 10th International high-level radioactive waste management conference: March 30 - April 2, 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, 578-585.
Jockwer N.; Wieczorek K. (2003): Gas generation mesasurements in the FEBEX project. - Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: Experiments in underground laboratories. Reims 2002. ANDRA Science and Technology Series, 108-117.
Kickmaier W.; Frieg B.; Vomvoris S.; McKinley I.G.; Mäder U. (2003): Grimsel Test Site: Finalization of Phase V and initiation of Phase VI.- Process through cooperation: Proceedings of the 10th International high-level radioactive waste management conference: March 30 - April 2, 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, 549-556.
Lunati I.; Attinger S.; Sørensen I. (2003): Effects of pore volume-transmissivity correlation on transport phenomena. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 67 / 1-4, 195-217.
Mäder U.; Frieg B.; Puigdomenech I.; Decombarieu M., Yui M. (2003): Hyperalkaline leachate-rock interaction and radionuclide transport in a fractured host rock (HPF project).- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management 27: Kalmar, Sweden June 15-18, 2003: Abstracts, Materials Research Society MRS, SKB, Stockholm, 345-346.
Missana T.; Alonso U.; Jesús Turrero M. (2003): Generation and stability of bentonite colloids at the bentonite/granite interface of a deep geological radioactive waste repository.- Migration '01: Eighth international conference on chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere: Bregenz, September 16-21, 2001. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 61, 17-31.
Missana T., García -Gutiérrez M.; Turrero M.J.; Alonso Ú.; Mingarro M. (2003): The role of colloids in the radionuclide transport in a deep geological repository: Participation of CIEMAT in the CRR project. Publicación técnica 05/2003. ENRESA, Madrid.
Möri A.; Alexander W.R.; Geckeis H.; Hauser W.; Schäfer T.; Eikenberg J.; Fierz Th.; Degueldre C.; Missana T. (2003): The Colloid and Radionuclide Retardation Experiment at the Grimsel Test Site: Influence of bentonite colloids on radionuclide migration in a fractured rock.- E-MRS Spring Meeting, June 18-21, 2002, Strasbourg, France. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 217, 33-47.
Möri A.; Mazurek M.; Adler M.; Schild M.; Siegesmund S.; Vollbrecht A.; Ota K.; Ando T.; Alexander W.R.; Smith P.A.; Haag P.; Bühler C. (2003): Grimsel Test Site Investigation Phase IV (1994-1996): The Nagra-JNC in situ study of safety relevant radionuclide retardation in fractured crystalline rock IV: The in situ study of matrix porosity in the vicinity of a water conducting fracture. Nagra Technical Report NTB 00-08. Nagra, Wettingen.
Ota K.; Möri A.; Alexander W.R.; Frieg B.; Schild M. (2003): Influence of the mode of matrix porosity determination on matrix diffusion calculations.- Migration '01: Eighth international conference on chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere: Bregenz, September 16-21, 2001. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 61, 131-145.
Pfingsten W.; Soler J.M. (2003): Modelling of nonreactive tracer dipole tests in a shear zone at the Grimsel test site.- Migration '01: Eighth international conference on chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere: Bregenz, September 16-21, 2001. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 61, 387-403.
Senger R.; Lanyon W.; Marschall P.; Vomvoris S.; Ando K. (2003): TOUGH2 / iTOUGH2 modeling in support of the gas migration test (GMT) at the Grimsel test site (Switzerland).- Proceedings TOUGH Symposium 2003, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 12-14 May, LBNL 53494, 9.
Vomvoris S.; Kickmaier W.; McKinley I. (2003): Grimsel Test Site: The next decades.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XXVI: MRS Symposium Vol. 757 held December 2-5, 2002, Boston, Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 13-18.
Vomvoris S.; Lanyon G.W.; Senger R.; Fujiwara A.; Ando K.; Yamamoto S. (2003): GMT: Gas Migration Test in Engineered Barriers: Saturation phase.- Process through cooperation: Proceedings of the 10th International high-level radioactive waste management conference: March 30 - April 2, 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1309-1316.
Wersin P. (2003): Geochemical modelling of bentonite porewater in high-level waste repositories.- Migration '01: Eighth international conference on chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere: Bregenz, September 16-21, 2001. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 61, 405-422.
Yamamoto S.; Shimura T.; Ando K.; Adachi T.; Fujiwara A.; Vomvoris S.; Marschall P.; Lanyon B. (2003): Gas migration experiment in engineered barrier system at Grimsel Rock Laboratory. Poster presented at 19th backend summer seminar 31 July - 1 August 2003, Shizuoka, Japan, sponsored by NUCE and AESJ.
2004 ^ Top
Biggin C.; Ota K.; Siitari-Kauppi M.; Moeri A. (2004): Determination of in-situ porosity and investigation of diffusion processes at the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland.- Invited Abstract H43I-02, AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, California, 13-17 December, 2004, American Geophysical Union, 1.
Geckeis H.; Schäfer T.; Alexander W.R. [et al.] (2004): Results of the colloid and radionuclide retention experiment (CRR) at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS), Switzerland - Impact of reaction kinetics and speciation on radionuclide migration.- [Migration '03] Radiochimica Acta 92 / 9-11, 765-774.
Kosakowski G.; Smith P. (2004): Grimsel Test Site Investigation Phase V: Modelling the transport of solutes and colloids in a water-conducting shear zone in the Grimsel Test Site. Nagra Technical Report NTB 04-01. Nagra, Wettingen.
Madina V.; Azkarate I. (2004): FEBEX project post-mortem analysis: Corrosion study. Publicación técnica 08/2004. Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, Madrid.
Mäder U.; Frieg B.; Puigdomenech I.; Decombarieu M.; Yui M. (2004): Hyperalkaline cement leachate-rock interaction and radionuclide transport in a fractured host rock (HPF Project).- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management 27 : Symposium held June 15-19, 2003, Kalmar, Sweden. MRS symposium proceedings vol. 807, Oversby V.M.; Werme L.O. (eds.), Materials Research Society MRS, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 861-866.
Missana T.; García-Gutiérrez M.; Alonso U. (2004): Kinetics and irreversibility of cesium and uranium sorption onto bentonite colloids in a deep granitic environment.- Applied Clay Science Special Issue: Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: Papers from the ANDRA meeting, Reims, 2002, 26 / 1-4, 137-150.
Möri A. (ed.) (2004): Grimsel Test Site Investigation Phase V: The CRR final project report series I: Description of the field phase - Methodologies and raw data. Nagra Technical Report NTB 03-01. Nagra, Wettingen.
Soler J.M.; Paris B.; Pfingsten W.; Mäder U. (2004): Flow and reactive transport modeling in the framework of GTS-HPF.- Water Rock Interaction WRI-11, Saratoga Springs, NY, 4.
Vomvoris S.; Kickmaier W.; McKinley I. (2004): Grimsel Test Site: 20 years of research in fractured crystalline rocks - experience gained and future needs.- Proceedings of the second international symposium on Dynamics of fluids in fractured rock, February 10-12, Faybishenko B.; Witherspoon P.A. (eds.), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 14-18.
2005 ^ Top
Alexander W.R. (2005): Switzerland: Long-term cement studies at GTS: Presentation 1.4.- Bäckblom G. (ed.): ESDRED final. Deliverable D2 of module 5, WP2: Supporting documents of first training workshop (Proceedings of the second low pH workshop Madrid June 15-16, 2005). Restricted to participants. FI6W-CT-2004-508851. Engineering studies and demonstration of repository designs ESDRED, European Commission, Brussels, 11.
Alexander W.R.; Kickmaier W.; Frieg B.; McKinley I.G. (2005): Studies of hyperalkaline effects on clays in the near and far field - present status and future requirements.- Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs: Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: 2nd international meeting, Tours, March 14-18, 2005. Abstracts. ANDRA, Châtenay-Malabry, 15.
Alexander W.R.; Kickmaier W.; Vomvoris S.; Kaku K.; McKinley I.G. (2005): Nagra's Grimsel URL: From underground testing to the demonstration of disposal systems. ICEM05-1337.- Proceedings ICEM '05. 10th international conference on environmental remediation and radioactive waste management, September 4-8, 2005, Glasgow. ASME, Fairfield, 6.
Alexander W.R.; Mäder U.; Frieg B. (2005): Impact of cement repository leachates on a fractured host rock: evidence from natural analogues, in situ experiments and modelling.- International workshop: Mechanisms and modelling of waste/cement interactions. May 8-12, 2005, Meiringen Switzerland, EMPA, 9.
Biggin C.; Ota K.; Soler J.; Laciok A.; Möri A.; Siitari-Kaupi M.; Blechschmidt I. (2005): Predictive modelling of a long-term diffusion experiment at the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland.- Migration '05: Chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere: 10th international conference, Avignon, France, September 18-23, 2005: Abstracts. CEA, 200.
Blechschmidt I.; Alexander W.R.; Decombarieu M.; Moeri A.; Geckeis H.; Iijima K. (2005): CFM - A long term repository relevant in-situ experiment on colloid and radionuclide migration, Grimsel test site, Phase VI.- Migration '05: Chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere: 10th international conference, Avignon, France, September 18-23, 2005: Abstracts. CEA, 210-211.
Blümling P. (2005): Borehole sealing project at the Grimsel Test Site.- Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 23, 843-858.
Kelokaski M.; Lähdemäki T.; Möri A.; Biggin C.; Kickmaier W.; Hellmuth K.-H.; Siitari-Kaupi M. (2005): Visualisation of conductive pore space by 14C-PMMA impregnation - development work for in situ studies.- Migration '05: Chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere: 10th international conference, Avignon, France, September 18-23, 2005: Abstracts. CEA, 207-208.
Kickmaier W.; Vomvoris S.; McKinley I. (2005): Radwaste Management: Brothers Grimsel.- Nuclear Engineering International 50 / 607, 10-13.
Kickmaier W.; Vomvoris S.; McKinley I.G.; Alexander W.R. (2005): Grimsel Test Site: challenges for the 21st century and beyond.- European Geologist 19, 19-22.
Klubertanz G.; Croisé J.; de Combarieu M.; Fujiwara A.; Vomvoris S. (2005): Gas flow mechanism in an engineered barrier system.- Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs: Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: 2nd international meeting, Tours, March 14-18, 2005. Abstracts. ANDRA, Châtenay-Malabry, 529-530.
Kosakowski G.; Smith P. (2005): Modelling the transport of solutes and colloids in the Grimsel migration shear zone. PSI Bericht 05-03. PSI, Nuclear Energy and Safety Research Department, Laboratory for Waste Management, Villigen.
Mäder U.; Frieg B. (2005): Long-term field experiment to investigate the effects of a hyperalkaline plume in fractured rock: Changes in mineralogy, permeability and radionuclide transport (HPF, Grimsel Test Site).- International workshop: Mechanisms and modelling of waste/cement interactions. May 8-12, 2005, Meiringen Switzerland, EMPA, 52.
Möri A.; Mäder U.; Biggin C.; Rüthi M. (2005): In situ study of radionuclide migration and diffusion paths in fractured rocks by Beta/gamma autoradiography and collimated gamma-spectrometry.- Migration '05: Chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere: 10th international conference, Avignon, France, September 18-23, 2005: Abstracts. CEA, 206.
Okamoto S.; Yamamoto S.; Fujiwara A.; Vomvoris S.; Marschall P.; Lanyon G.W.; Ando K.; Shimura T. (2005): The in-situ gas migration test (GMT) at the Grimsel Test Site: Gas injection and system hydraulic tests.- Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs: Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: 2nd international meeting, Tours, March 14-18, 2005. Abstracts. ANDRA, Châtenay-Malabry, 521-522.
Ota K.; Biggin C.; Möri A. (2005): Characterisation of in situ diffusion-accessible matrix porosity at the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland.- Migration '05: Chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere: 10th international conference, Avignon, France, September 18-23, 2005: Abstracts. CEA, 174.
Van Dorp F.; Biggin C.; Kickmaier W. (2005): Aspekte des Strahlenschutzes in Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten der NAGRA; Beispiele aus Arbeiten in den Felslaboratiorien Grimsel und Mont Terri.- Strahlenschutz-Aspekte bei der Entsorgung radioaktiver Stoffe: 37. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes für Strahenschutz e.V., 5. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung mit dem Österreichischen Verband für Strahlenschutz, Basel, 20. bis 23. September 2005, Zuberbühler A.; Baggenstos M.; Zoubek N.; Janett A. (eds.), Fachverband für Strahlenschutz, Jülich, 383-390.
2006 ^ Top
Alonso E.E.; Olivella S.; Arnedo D. (2006): Mechanisms of gas transport in clay barriers.- Journal of Iberian Geology 32 / 2, 175-196.
Bárcena I.; García Siñeriz J.L., Huertas F. (2006): FEBEX Project final report: Addendum sensors data report. In situ experiment. Publicación técnica 05-5/2006. Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, Madrid.
ENRESA (2006): FEBEX Project final report: Final THG modelling report. Publicación técnica 05-3/2006. Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, Madrid.
García-Siñeriz J.-L.; Ignacio B.; Fernández P.-A.; Sanz F.-J. (2006): FEBEX Project final report: FEBEX II Project post-mortem analysis: Instruments. Publicación técnica 05-4/2006. Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, Madrid.
Huertas F.; Fariña P.; Farias J. [et al.] (2006): FEBEX Full-scale Engineered Barriers Experiment. Updated Final Report 1994-2004. Publicación técnica 05-0/2006. Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, Madrid.
Jockwer N.; Kull H.; Wieczorek K.; Miehe R. (2006): Investigation on gas migration. Technical barriers concrete and bentonite as well as granite of the surrounding host rock. GRS-221. Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, Braunschweig.
Kelokaski M.; Siitari-Kauppi M.; Sardini P.; Möri A.; Hellmuth K.-H. (2006): Characterisation of pore space geometry by 14C-PMMA impregnation - development work for in situ studies.-: Geochemistry for the safe isolation of hazardous wastes, Nice, 06-11 April 2003, Journal of Geochemical Exploration 90 / 1-2, 45-52.
Kurosawa S.; James S.C.; Yui M.; Ibaraki M. (2006): Model analysis of the colloid and radionuclide retardation experiment at the Grimsel Test Site .- Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 298 / 1, 467-475.
Mäder U.K.; Fierz T., Frieg B. [et al.] (2006): Interaction of hyperalkaline fluid with fractured rock: Field and laboratory experiments of the HPF project (Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland).- Geochemistry for the Safe Isolation of Hazardous Wastes, Nice, 06-11 April 2003, Journal of Geochemical Exploration 90 / 1-2, 68-94.
Marschall P.; Lunati I. (eds.) (2006): GAM - Gas migration experiments in a heterogeneous shear zone of the Grimsel Test Site. Nagra Technical Report NTB 03-11. Nagra, Wettingen.
Martín P.L.; Barcala J.M. (2006): FEBEX Project final report: Addendum sensors data report. Mock-up test. Publicación técnica 05-6/2006. Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, Madrid.
Missana T.; Geckeis H. (eds.) (2006): Grimsel Test Site Investigation Phase V: The CRR final project report series II: Supporting laboratory experiments with radionuclides and bentonite colloids. Nagra Technical Report NTB 03-02. Nagra, Wettingen.
Möri A.; Biggin C.; Mäder U.; Eikenberg J.; Rüthi M. (2006): Novel application of beta/gamma autoradiography and collimated gamma-spectrometry to study in situ radionuclide migration paths in fractured rock.- Migration '05: Chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere: 10th international conference, Avignon, France, September 18-23, 2005.- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 31 / 10-14, 511-516.
Mori K.; Tada K.; Tokasa H.; Vomvoris S.; Fujiwara A. (2006): A 2-phase, 3-D flow modeling for the gas migration test.- Global Progress Toward Safe Disposal: Proceedings of the 11th International high-level radioactive waste management conference (IHLRWM): April 30 - May 4, 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, 601-608.
Pfingsten W.; Paris B.; Soler J.M.; Mäder U.K. (2006): Tracer and reactive transport modelling of the interaction between high-pH fluid and fractured rock: Field and laboratory experiments.- Special Issue of Journal of Geochemical Exploration: Geochemistry for the Safe Isolation of Hazardous Wastes, Nice, 06-11 April 2003 90 / 1-2, 95-113.
Sánchez M.; Gens A. (2006): FEBEX Project final report: Final report on thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling. Publicación técnica 05-2/2006. Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, Madrid.
Senger R.; Fujiwara A.; Shimura T.; Lanyon B.; Marschall P.; Vomvoris S.; Yamamoto S.; Ando A. (2006): Modeling approaches for the design and analysis of the Gas Migration Test (GMT) at the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland.- Global Progress Toward Safe Disposal: Proceedings of the 11th International high-level radioactive waste management conference (IHLRWM): April 30 - May 4, 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, 444-451.
Senger R.; Lanyon W.; Marschall P.; Vomvoris S.; Fujiwara A. (2006): TOUGH2 / iTOUGH2 analysis of the gas migration test (GMT) at the Grimsel test site (Switzerland).- Proceedings TOUGH symposium 2006, May 15-17, LBNL, Berkeley, California, 8.
Shimura T.; Fujiwara A.; Vomvoris S.; Marschall P.; Lanyon B.; Ando K.; Yamamoto S. (2006): Large scale gas migration test at Grimsel Test Site.- Global Progress Toward Safe Disposal: Proceedings of the 11th International high-level radioactive waste management conference (IHLRWM): April 30 - May 4, 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, 784-791.
Smith P.A.; Guimerà J.; Kosakowski G.; Pudewills A.; Ibaraki M. (eds.) (2006): Grimsel Test Site Investigation Phase V: The CRR final project report series III: Results of the supporting modelling programme. Nagra Technical Report NTB 03-03. Nagra, Wettingen.
Soler J.M.; Pfingsten W.; Paris B.; Mäder U.K.; Frieg B.; Neall F.; Källvenius G.; Yui M.; Yoshida Y.; Shi P.; Rochelle C.A.; Noy D.J. (2006): Grimsel Test Site Investigation Phase V: HPF-Experiment: Modelling Report. Nagra Technical Report NTB 05-01. Nagra, Wettingen.
Villar M.V. (ed.) (2006): FEBEX Project final report: Post-mortem bentonite analysis. Publicación técnica 05-1/2006. Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, Madrid.
2007 ^ Top
Bruines P.; Ando K.; Yoshimura K. [et al.] (2007): Study on creating hydraulic tomography for crystalline rock using frequency dependent elastic wave velocity.- Proceedings 7th international workshop on the application of geophysics to rock engineering, July 8th 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, 8.
Ernst J.R.; Green A.G.; Maurer H.; Holliger K. (2007): Application of a new 2D time-domain full-waveform inversion scheme to crosshole radar data.- Geophysics 72 / 5, J53-J64.
Mazurek M.; Gautschi A.; Marschall P.; Alexander W.R.; Vigneron G.; Lebon P.; Delay J. (2007): Transferability of features and processes from underground rock laboratories and natural analogues - Use for supporting safety cases in argillaceous formations.- Linkage of geoscientific arguments and evidence in supporting the safety case: Second AMIGO workshop proceedings Toronto, Canada, 20-22 September 2005. OECD/NEA, Paris, 105-124.
Shimura T.; Asano H.; Ando K.; Okuma F.; Yamamoto S.; Vomvoris S. (2007): A new user-friendly experiment visual database system application to the Gas Migration Test (GMT) at the Grimsel Test Site. Session 8 Nr. 8.- Abstracts ICEM '07. The 11th international conference on environmental remediation and radioactive waste management, September 2-6, 2007, Bruges (Brugge), Belgium. ASME, Fairfield, 59.
Shimura T., Vomvoris S.; Lanyon G.W.; Marschall P.; Ando K.; Yamamoto S.; Asano H. (2007): Gas migration through bentonite/sand: Lessons learned from the GMT in-situ test.- Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: Abstracts. 3rd international meeting, Lille, September 17-20, 2007. Andra, Chatenay-Malabry, 57-58.
Villar M.V.; Lloret A. (2007): Dismantling of the first section of the FEBEZ in situ test: THM laboratory tests on the bentonite blocks retrieved.- Clay in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement - Part 2, selected Papers from the Andra meeting in Tours (France), 14-18th March 2005, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 32 / 8-14, 716-729.
Vomvoris S.; Blechschmidt I.; Kaku K. (2007): International collaboration in Swiss underground research facilities - History and current activities.- Journal of the RANDEC / 36, 21-41.
Vomvoris S.; Kickmaier W. (2007): Grimsel Test Site - Phase VI: Review of accomplishments and next steps.- Proceedings ICEM '07. The 11th international conference on environmental remediation and radioactive waste management, September 2-6, 2007, Bruges (Brugge), Belgium. ASME, Fairfield, 7.
Yoshimura K.; Sakashita S.; Ando K.; Bruines P.; Blechschmidt I.; Kickmaier W.; Onishi Y.; Nishiyama S. (2007): Study on creating hydraulic tomography for crystalline rock using frequency dependent elastic wave velocity.- Proceedings ICEM '07. The 11th international conference on environmental remediation and radioactive waste management, September 2-6, 2007, Bruges (Brugge), Belgium. ASME, Fairfield, 8.
2008 ^ Top
Baumberger R. (2008): Reactivated shear zones in granites and their role as water conducting features. MSc-Thesis Institute of Geological Sciences University of Berne.
Blechschmidt I.; Breen B.; Johnson M.; Maurer H.R.; Fierz T.; Parsons S.; Barcena I.; Garcia-Sineriz J.L.; Vomvoris S. (2008): In situ development of non-intrusive monitoring techniques - ESDRED & TEM projects at Mont Terri and the Grimsel Test Site.- ESDRED international technical conference on the practical aspects of deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. Prague, Czech Republic June 16-18, 2008. Books of Abstracts, Theme: Unterground disposal unit design & emplacement processes for a deep geological repository "operational & safety considerations". European Commission, Luxemburg, 45.
Blechschmidt I.; Vomvoris S.; Rueedi J.; Martin A.J. (2008): Grimsel Test Site - Phase VI: Review of accomplishments and next generation of in-situ experiments under repository relevant boundary conditions.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XXXI: Symposium held September 16-21, 2007, Sheffield, UK. MRS symposium proceedings vol. 1107, 547-555.
Blümling P.; Adams J. (2008): Grimsel Test Site Investigation Phase IV: Borehole Sealing. Nagra Technical Report NTB 07-01. Nagra, Wettingen.
Breen B.; Johnson M.; Frieg B.; Blechschmidt I. [et al.] (2008): Development of non-intrusice monitoring techniques - ESDRED & TEM projects at Mont Terri and the Grimsel Test Site. Poster.- ESDRED international technical conference on the practical aspects of deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. Prague, Czech Republic June 16-18, 2008. Books of Abstracts, Theme: Unterground disposal unit design & emplacement processes for a deep geological repository "operational & safety considerations". European Commission, Luxemburg, 97.
Jockwer N.; Wieczorek (2008): FEBEX. Investigations on gas generation, release and migration. GRS-243. Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, Braunschweig.
Kunze P.; Seher H.; Hauser W.; Panak P.J.; Geckeis Schäfer H. (2008): Radionuclide speciation in the grimsel granite groundwater after FEBEX bentonite pore water mixing zone.- 3rd annual workshop proceedings 6th EC FP-FUNMIG IP Edinburgh 26th-29th November 2007, 167-175.
Marelli S.; Maurer H.R.; Manukyan E.; Greenhalgh S.A.; Green A.G. (2008): Monitoring changes in bentonite at the Grimsel Test Site using crosshole seismic tomography: Abstract B08.- Near Surface 2008: 14th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Kraków, Poland, 15 - 17 September 2008, 5.
Schäfer T.; Geckeis H.; Kienzler B.; Römer J.; Schild D. (2008): Colloid/radionuclide migration studies in fractured rocks; Lessons learnt from the Grimsel and Äspö system.- Radioactive waste disposal in geological formations. International conference Braunschweig, November 6-9, 2007, proceedings. BfS, GRS, Köln, 149-155.
Senger R.; Lanyon B.; Marschall P. Vomvoris S.; Fujiwara A. (2008): Numerical modeling of the gas migration test at the Grimsel Test Site (Switzerland) .- Nuclear Technology 164 / 2, 155-168.
Shimura T.; Vomvoris S.; Lanyon G.W.; Marschall P.; Ando K.; Yamamoto S.; Asano H. (2008): Gas Migration through bentonite/sand: Lessons learned from the GMT in situ Test.- Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement. Selected papers from the 3rd international meeting, Lille, September 2007. Science & Technology series N° 334. Andra, Chatenay-Malabry, 85-93.
Sneyers A. (coord.) (2008): Understanding and physical and numerical modelling of the key processes in the near field and their coupling for different host rocks and repository strategies (NF-PRO). Contract FI6W-CT2003-002389. Final report. EUR 23730. European Commission, Luxembourg.
2009 ^ Top
Alexander W.R.; Frieg B.; Ota K. (eds.) (2009): Grimsel Test Site Investigation Phase IV : The Nagra-JAEA in situ study of safety relevant radionuclide retardation in fractured crystalline rock : III: The RRP project final report. Nagra Technical Report NTB 00-07. Nagra, Wettingen.
Blechschmidt I.; Martin A. (2009): 25 years underground research at the Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland - what have we learned?.- MRS 09: The 33rd International Symposium "Scientific basis for nuclear waste management”, 24-29 May 2009, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts, 149.
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (2009): Report on technology survey for geological disposal (2008) (Common technology survey for geological disposal: Development of advanced investigation technology of groundwater flow in host rock). Evaluation of advanced investigation technology of mass flow properties in host rock. CRIEPI, Tokyo. [In Japanese]
Gaus I.; Thurner E.; Vahanen M.; Martín Martín P.-L.; Mayor J.C.; Garcia-Sineriz J.-L.; Gens A. (2009): FEBEX in situ test - Showing the value of very long term (>10 years) experiments - 16422.- ICEM'09 / DECOM'09. The 12th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, 11-15 October 2009, Liverpool. Final Program, 12.
Havlova V.; Martin A.; Rueedi J.; Moeri A.; Eikenberg J. (2009): Long term diffusion experiment (LTD), Grimsel Test Site (CH): Study of radionuclide matrix diffusion on field and laboratory scales. Abstract No: PB5-2.- Migration 2009, 12th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Kennewick, Washington, September 20 - 25, 2009, 216.
Martin A.; Blechschmidt I. (2009): Studies on radionuclide transport behaviour - the next generation of in-situ experiments at the Grimsel Test Site.- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XXXIII: Symposium held May 24-29, 2009, St. Petersburg, Russia. MRS symposium proceedings vol. 1193, 159-167.
Nagra (2009): Felslabor Grimsel 25 Jahre Untertageforschung = 25 years of underground research Grimsel Test Site. Nagra, Wettingen.
Reimus P.; Schäfer T.; Seher H.; Hauser W.; Walther C.; Geckeis H.; Degueldre C.; Trick T.; Blechschmidt I.; Gaus I. (2009): The CFM (Colloid Formation and Migration) project at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS, Switzerland): Model interpretations of first field experiments. Abstract No: PC3-9.- Migration 2009, 12th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Kennewick, Washington, September 20 - 25, 2009, 133.
Rueedi J.; Maeder U.; Jacobs F. (2009): Long-term cement study (LCS) at Grimsel Test Site: Scoping for in-situ experiments.- The Fred Glasser Cement Science Symposium Aberdeen, 17th - 19th June, 2009, University of Aberdeen, 65.
Schäfer T.; Seher H.; Hauser W.; Walther C.; Degueldre C.; Yamada M.; Suzuki M.; Missana T.; Alonso U.; Trick T.; Blechschmidt I. (2009): The Colloid Formation and Migration (CFM) projcet at the Grimsel Test Site (Switzerland): Results from the homologue tests.- Awards ceremony speeches and abstracts of the19th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt conference Davos, Switzerland, June 2009. Special Supplement Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 / 13S, A1168.
Schäfer T.; Seher H.; Hauser W.; Walther C.; Geckeis H.; Degueldre C.; Yamada M.; Suzuki M.; Missana T.; Alonso U.; Trick T.; Blechschmidt I. (2009): The CFM (Colloid Formation and Migration) project at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS, Switzerland): First field experiments. Abstract NO: PB5-6.- Migration 2009, 12th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Kennewick, Washington, September 20 - 25, 2009, 220.
Siitari-Kauppi M.; Sardini P.; Kelokaski M.; Möri A.; Ota K.; Martin A.; Hellmuth K.-H. (2009): Characterisation of pore space by 14C-PMMA impregnation in situ. Abstract No: PB2-3.- Migration 2009, 12th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Kennewick, Washington, September 20 - 25, 2009, 93-94.
Soler J.M. (2009): Cement degradation and host rock alteration in nuclear waste disposal. Studies at the Grimsel Test Site. Abstract.- Awards ceremony speeches and abstracts of the19th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt conference Davos, Switzerland, June 2009. Special Supplement Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 / 13S, A1247.
Spillmann T.; Fries T.; Wetzig V.; Koch A.S.; García-Siñeriz J.-L.; Bárcena I. (2009): Beton mit tiefer Alkalität.- Tec21 SIA / 21, 17-19.
Voutilainen M.; Kekäläinen P.; Poteri A.; Siitari-Kauppi M.; Hälttä P.; Hautojärvi A.; Timonen J. (2009): Verified modelling of matrix-diffusion. Abstract.- Submitted to Migration '09, 12th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Kennewick, Washington, September 20 - 25, 2009.
2010 ^ Top
Blechschmidt I. (2010): Besuch im Felslabor Grimsel der Nationalen Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle (Nagra) (Exkursion F am 9. April 2010).- Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereins. Neue Folge 92, 101-106.
Blechschmidt I.; Vomvoris S. (2010): Underground research facilities and rock laboratories for the development of geological disposal concepts and repository systems. Chapter 4.- Geological repository systems for safe disposal of spent nuclear fuels and radioactive waste, Ahn J.; Apted M.J. (eds.), Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy: Number 9, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Oxford, 82-118.
Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle (2010): Felslabor Grimsel : Forschen für die sichere Tiefenlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle. Nagra, Wettingen.
Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle (2010): Grimsel Test Site : research on safe geological disposal of radioactive waste. Nagra, Wettingen.
Soler J.M.; Mäder U.K. (2010): Cement-rock interaction: Infiltration of a high-pH solution into a fractured granite core.- Geologica Acta 8 / 3, 221-233.
2011 ^ Top
Martin A.; Havlova V.; Siitari-Kauppi M.: Ikonen J.; Soler J.; Tachi Y. (2011): The long term diffusion experiment, Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland. ABS38.- Geological disposal of radioactive waste: underpinning science and technology, 18th-20th October 2011, Loughborough University. NDA, Calderbridge, 80.
2012 ^ Top
Blechschmidt I.; Martin A.J. (2012): In-situ tracer tests and models developed to understand flow paths in a shear zone at the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland. Abstract H33J-1472.- 2012 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union AGU, 03.-07. December 2012, San Francisco, 2.
Frieg B.; Blaser P.C. (eds.) Adams J.; Albert W.; Dollinger H.; Kuhlmann U.; Lanyon G.W. (2012): Grimsel Test Site : Excavation Disturbed Zone Experiment (EDZ). Nagra Technical Report NTB 98-01. Nagra, Wettingen.
2013 ^ Top
Blechschmidt I. (2013): Site screening and site characterization – Topics of interest II : 5. Grimsel Test Site ‐ Nagra’s competence center for studies in fractured rock Formations.- Proceedings of the scientific visit on crystalline rock repository development. Sandia Report SAND2013-0339, 23-24.
Havlova V.; Martin A.; Landa J.; Sus F.; Siitari-Kauppi M.; Eikenberg J.; Soler P.; Miksova J. (2013): Long term diffusion experiment LTD Phase I: Evaluation of results and modelling. B5-2.- Migration conference 2013 : 14th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Brighton, September 8th -13th 2013. Book of Abstracts, 188-189.
Konno U.; Kouduka M.; Komatsu D.; Ishii K.; Fukuda A.; Tsunogai U.; Ito K.; Suzuki Y.; [Rueedi J.] (2013): Novel microbial populations in deep granitic groundwater from Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland [PDF preprint].- Microbial Ecology 65 / 3, 626-637.
Martin A.; Siitari-Kauppi M.; Havlova V.; Tachi Y.; Miksova J. (2013): An overview of the long-term diffusion test, Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland. PB5-1.- Migration conference 2013 : 14th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Brighton, September 8th -13th 2013. Book of Abstracts, 313-314.
Schaefer T.; Blechschmidt I.; Bouby M.; Buechner S.; Brendlé J., Geckeis H.; Kupcik T.; Goetz R.; Hauser W.; Heck S.; Huber F.M.; Lagos M.; Martin A.J. (2013): The latest results on colloid associated radionuclide migration from the CFM Project, Grimsel Test Site (GTS, Switzerland). Abstract H31G- 1277.- 2013 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union AGU, 09.-13. December 2013, San Francisco, 2.
Schäfer T.; Blechschmidt I.; Bouby M.; Büchner S.; Brendlé J.; Darbha G.; Geckeis H.; Kupcik T.; Götz R.; Hauser W.; Heck S.; Huber F.; Lagos M.; Martin A. (2013): The latest results on colloid associated radionuclide mobility from the CFM project, Grimsel (Switzerland). PB5-3.- Migration conference 2013 : 14th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Brighton, September 8th -13th 2013. Book of Abstracts, 317- 318.
Vomvoris S.; Blechschmidt I.; Gaus I.; Rueedi J.; Martin A.; Spillmann T. (2013): The Grimsel Test Site - Going into the fourth decade of applied RD&D.- Integrating storage, transportation, and disposal: Proceedings of the 14th international high-level radioactive waste management conference (IHLRWMC): April 28 - May 2, 2013, Albuquerque, New Mexico, American Nuclear Society ANS, La Grange Park, 150-157.
Voutilainen M.; Sardini P.; Siitari-Kauppi M.; Martin A.; Timonen J. (2013): Diffusion of Cesium in Grimsel Granodiorite: Simulations in time domain with heterogeneous sorption properties. C3-4.- Migration conference 2013 : 14th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Brighton, September 8th -13th 2013. Book of Abstracts, 372-374.
2014 ^ Top
Gaus I.; Martin Martin P.-L.; Thurner E.; Vähänen M.; Teodori S.-P.; Kober F.; Kwon J.-S. (2014): FEBEX in situ test - After 18 years of monitoring - final dismantling in 2015. Extended Abstract.- PEBS - International conference on the Performance of Engineered Barriers: Backfill, Plugs & Seals, February 6-7, 2014, BGR, Hannover, Germany, 97-102.
Kober F.; Gaus I. (2014): FEBEX-DP - dismantling the "Full-scale Engineered Barrier Experiment" after 18 years of operation at the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland. S6-03.- Key Topics in Deep Geological Disposal, Cologne, 24 – 26 September, Book of Abstracts, Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Endlagerforschung DAEF, 68-69.
Kuhlmann U.; Gaus I. (2014): Inverse modeling of the FEBEX-in-situ heating experiment: Parameter estimation, extrapolation and predictive uncertainty analysis. Extended Abstract.- PEBS - International conference on the Performance of Engineered Barriers: Backfill, Plugs & Seals, February 6-7, 2014, BGR, Hannover, Germany, 497-501.
Lanyon G.W.; Blechschmidt I.; Schäfer T.; Kontar K.; Steiner P.; Martin A. (2014): Generation of bentonite colloids under repository-relevant conditions in the CFM long-term in situ test, Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland. H21B-0735.- 2014 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2.
Schneeberger R.; Mäder U.; Kober F.; Spillmann T.; Waber N.; Berger A.; Herwegh M. (2014): 3D visualization of the structures at Grimsel Test Site GTS and their link with sampled groundwaters. P 1.23.- Abstract Volume 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Fribourg, 21th – 22th November 2014 : Drilling the Earth, 41-42.
Tanaka Y.; Miyakawa K.; Fukahori D.; Kiho K.; Goto K. (2014): Survey of Flow Channels in Rock Mass Fractures by Resin Injection.- 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ARMS8 14-16 October 2014, Sapporo, Japan, 10.
2015 ^ Top
Blechschmidt I.; Vomvoris S. (2015): The fourth decade of underground research at the Grimsel Test Site - What we have learned and where we go from here - 15075.- WMSYM WM2015 Conference “Achieving Results through Technology and Innovation on a Global Scale” March 15 - 19, 2015, Phoenix, AZ, 7.
Dittrich T.M.; Boukhalfa H.; Ware S.D.; Reimus P.W. (2015): Laboratory investigation of the role of desorption kinetics on americium transport associated with bentonite colloids.- Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 148, 170-182.
Dittrich T.M.; Reimus P.W. (2015): Uranium transport in a crushed granodiorite: Experiments and reactive transport modeling.- Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 175–176, 44–59.
Garitte B.; Kober F.; Müller H.R.; Köhler S.; Weber HP.; Blechschmidt I. (2015): Stability of compacted bentonite blocks and block pedestals under changing climatic conditions in tunnels and long-term loads. P-11-06.- Clay Conference Brussels March 23-26, 2015 : Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, 6th international conference, 542-543.
Giroud N.; Spillmann T.; Marschall P.; Vomvoris S. (2015): Gas-permeable seal tests at various scales at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS). P-13-04.- Clay Conference Brussels March 23-26, 2015 : Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, 6th international conference, 597-598.
Joseph C., Mibus J., Trepte P., Müller C., Brendler V., Kersting A.B., Zavarin M. (2015): A new view on the U(VI) diffusion through compacted bentonite: Revelations from a 6-year study. B2-1.- Migration conference 2015 : 15th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Santa Fe, September 13 -18, 2015. Abstracts Book, 142-143.
Kober F.; Gaus I.; Birkholer S.; Vomvoris S. (2015): 18 years of heating a full scale EBS at 100°C (FEBEx, Grimsel Test Site) and possible applications at higher temperatures ("hotFEBEX" at >150°C). O- 02A-04.- Clay Conference Brussels March 23-26, 2015 : Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, 6th international conference, 52-53.
Kober F.; Spillmann T.; LASMO Partner Team (2015): The LArge Scale MOnitoring (LASMO) Project at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS) - monitoring the impact of regional perturbations on a URL.- GeoBerlin2015 - Dynamic Earth from Alfred Wegener to today and beyond - Abstracts. Annual Meeting of DGGV and DMG, 4-7 October 2015, 213-214.
Kober F., Thurner E. (2015): Dismantling of the FEBEX experiment after 18 years of heating.- Proceedings of the LUCOEX conference and workshop : Full-scale demonstration tests in technology development of repositories for disposal of radioactive waste, Oskarshamn, Sweden, June 2–4, 2015, 123-127.
Martin A.; Blechschmidt I. (2015): The current status of two unique in-situ radionuclide migration tests at the Grimsel Test Site. B5-1.- Migration conference 2015 : 15th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Santa Fe, September 13 -18, 2015. Abstracts Book, 6-7.
Schneeberger R.; Kober F.; Berger A.; Spillmann T.; Herwegh M. (2015): 3D visualization of deformation structures and potential fluid pathways at Grimsel Test Site. EGU2015-4513.- Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, 12–17 April, European Geosciences Union, 1.
Schneeberger R.; Waber H.N.; Mäder U.K.; Kober F.; Herwegh M. (2015): Hydrogeology at Grimsel Test Site: hydrochemistry and flow paths. P 11.4.- Abstract Volume 13th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Basel, 20th – 21th November 2015 : Modelling the Earth, 374.
Spillmann T.; Senger R.; Lanyon G.W.; Giroud N.; Marschall P. (2015): Preliminary analyses and numerical modeling of the gas permeable seal test (GAST) at the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland.- Proceedings TOUGH Symposium 2015, Berkeley, September 28-30, 2015, 8.
Vomvoris S.; Blechschmidt I.; Vietor T.; Mueller H. (2015): Nagra's activities at the Grimsel Test Site and Mont Terri project: Update and Outlook.- 15th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference IHLRWM, Charleston, SC, USA, April 12-16, 2015, 379-389.
2016 ^ Top
Dittrich T.M.; Reimus P.W. (2016): Reactive transport of uranium in fractured crystalline rock: Upscaling in time and distance.- Journal of Environmental Management 165, 124-132.
Dutler N., Valley B., Krietsch H., Amann F., Gischig V., Evans K. (2016): Stress characterisation and stress modeling at the Grimsel Test Site for the In-situ stimulation and circulation project. Abstract P 8.7.- 14th Swiss Geoscience Meeting Geneva, 18th – 19th November 2016 Time in Geosciences: Knowledge for a new beginning. Abstract Volume, 274-275.
Ikonen J., Sardini P., Jokelainen L., Siitari-Kauppi M., Martin A.J., Eikenberger J. (2016): The Tritiated Water and Iodine Migration in Situ in Grimsel Granodiorite. Part I: Determination of the Diffusion Profiles.- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 310 / 3, 1041-1048.
Ikonen J., Voutilainen M., Söderlund M., Jokelainen L., Siitari-Kauppi M., Martin A.J. (2016): Sorption and Diffusion of Selenium Oxyanions in Granitic Rock.- Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 192, 203-211. Ino K., Konno U., Kouduka M., Hirota A., Togo Y.S., Fukuda A., Komatsu D., Tsunogai U., Tanabe A.S.,
Yamamoto S., Iwatsuki T., Mizuno T., Ito K., Suzuki Y. (2016): Deep microbial life in high-quality granitic groundwater from geochemically and geographically distinct underground boreholes.- Environmental Microbiology Reports 8 / 2, 285-294.
Lanyon G.W., Gaus I. (2016): Grimsel Test Site Investigation Phase VI : Main outcomes and review of the FEBEX In Situ Test (GTS) and Mock-up after 15 years of operation. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 15-04. Nagra, Wettingen.
Muuri E., Ikonen J., Matara-aho M., Lindberg A., Holgersson S., Voutilainen M., Siitari-Kauppi M., Martin A. (2016): Behavior of Cs in Grimsel granodiorite: sorption on main minerals and crushed rock.- Radiochimica Acta 104 / 8, 575-582.
Noseck U., Flügge J., Reimus P., Cvetkovic V., Lanyon G.W., Schäfer Th., Blechschmidt I. (2016): Colloid Formation and Migration Project: Modelling of tracer, colloid and radionuclide/homologue transport for dipole CFM 06.002- Pinkel surface packer. Grimsel Test Site Investigation Phase VI. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 16-06. Nagra, Wettingen.
Rinderknecht F., Heck S., Götz R., Walschburger C., Geyer F., Hilpp S., Fuss M., Huber F., Schäfer T., Geckeis H., Martin A., Blechschmidt I., Lanyon B. (2016): Bentonite erosion and colloid mediated transport of radionuclides in a natural shear zone at the Grimsel Test Site.- Proceedings from second workshop, final conference of the BELBaR project, Berlin, 3-4 February 2016. Deliverable D6.14, 149-151.
Sakaki T., Kober F., Gaus I., Schlaeger S. (2016): An 18-year T-H monitoring in FEBEX bentonite blocks at Grimsel Test Site.- Japan Society for Civil Engineers Annual Meeting 2016, 2.
Schäfer T., Quinto F., Lagos M., Huber F.M., Heck S., Martin A., Blechschmidt I., Lanyon B. (2016): Effect of clay nanoparticle mobility, desorption and redox kinetics on radionuclide mobility: Observations made on the field scale.- Proceedings from second workshop, final conference of the BELBaR project, Berlin, 3-4 February 2016. Deliverable D6.14, 43-45.
Spillmann T., Lanyon B., Senger R., Marschall P., Rüedi J. (2016): The Gas-Permeable Seal Test in the Grimsel Test Site. Extended Abstract.- D7.3 DOPAS 2016 Proceedings, international seminar/conference, Turku and Olkiluoto, 25th-27th May 2016, 67-73.
Vogler D., Settgast R.R., Annavarapu C., Bayer P., Amann F. (2016): Hydro-Mechanically Coupled Flow through Heterogeneous Fractures. SGP-TR-209.- Proceedings, 41nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 22-24, 2016, 6.
2017 ^ Top
Blechschmidt I., Vomvoris S. (2017): 5 - Relevance of underground rock laboratories for deep geological repository programs.- Geological repository systems for safe disposal of spent nuclear fuels and radioactive waste, Ahn J.; Apted M.J. (eds.), Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy: Number 9, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Oxford, 113-142.
Chaparro M.C., Saaltink M.W., Soler J.M. (2017): Reactive Transport Modelling of Cement-Groundwater- Rock Interaction at the Grimsel Test Site.- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 99, 64– 76.
Fernández R., Torres E., Ruiz A.I., Cuevas J., Alonso M.C., Calvo J.L.G., Rodríguez E., Turrero M.J. (2017): Interaction Processes at the Concrete-Bentonite Interface after 13 Years of FEBEX-Plug Operation. Part II: Bentonite Contact.- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 99 / 19, 49-63.
Herwegh M., Gishig V., Spillmann T. (2017): Der Geothermie auf der Spur: NGB-Exkursion zum Hydrothermal-Feld Grimsel und ins Felslabor Grimsel.- Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern Neue Folge 74, 45-53.
Ikonen J., Sardini P., Siitari-Kauppi M., Martin A.J. (2017): In situ migration of tritiated water and iodine in Grimsel granodiorite, part II: assessment of the diffusion coefficients by TDD modelling.- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 311 / 1, 339–348.
Jalali M.R., Gischig V., Doetsch J., Krietsch H., Amann F., Klepikova M. (2017): Mechanical, Hydraulic and Seismological Behavior of Crystalline Rock as a Response to Hydraulic Fracturing at the Grimsel Test Site. ARMA 17-962.- American Rock Mechanics Association ARMA: 51th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, 25 - 28 June, 2017, Houston, Texas, 9.
Krietsch H., Gischig V., Jalali M.R., Amann F., Evans K.F., Doetsch J., Valley B. (2017): Stress measurements in crystalline rock: Comparison of overcoring, hydraulic fracturing and induced seismicity results. ARMA 17-733.- American Rock Mechanics Association ARMA: 51th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, 25 - 28 June, 2017, Houston, Texas, 9.
Missana T., Alonso U., García-Gutiérrez M., López T. (2017): Analysis of bentonite colloid generation in the FEBEX gallery at the Grimsel Test Site (Switzerland): global evaluation of the experimental data obtained from 2006 to 2014 . Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas CIEMAT, Madrid.
Quinto F., Blechschmidt I., Garcia Perez C., Geckeis H., Geyer F., Golser R., Huber F.M., Lagos M., Lanyon B., Plaschke M., Steier P., Schäfer T. (2017): Multi-actinide analysis with AMS for ultra-trace determination in small samples: application to an in situ radionuclide tracer test within the Colloid Formation and Migration (CFM) experiment at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS, Switzerland).- Analytical Chemistry 89 / 13, 7182–7189.
Schlickenrieder L., Lanyon G.W., Kontar K., Blechschmidt I. (2017): Grimsel Test Site Investigation Phase VI : Colloid Formation and Migration Project: Site instrumentation and initiation of the long-term insitu test. Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 15-03. Nagra, Wettingen.
Schneeberger R.B. (2017): Interplay in 3D between faults and water flow paths in crystalline bedrock (Grimsel, Switzerland). Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Bern.
Schneeberger R., de La Varga M., Egli D., Berger A., Kober F., Wellmann F., Herwegh M. (2017): Methods and uncertainty-estimations of 3D structural modelling in crystalline rocks: A case study.- Solid Earth 8, 987–1002.
Vogler D., Settgast R.R., Sherman C.S., Gischig V.S., Jalali R., Doetsch J.A., Valley B., Evans K.F., Amann F., Saar M.O. (2017): Modeling the Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation performed for Reservoir Permeability Enhancement at the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland. SGP-TR-212.- Proceedings, 42nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 13-15, 2017, 9.
2018 ^ Top
Amann F., Gischig V., Evans K., Doetsch J., Jalali R, Valley B., Krietsch H., Dutler N.,m Villiger L., Brixel B., Klepikova M., Kittila A., Madonna C., Wiemer S., Saar M.O., Loew S., Driesner T., Maurer H., Giardini D. (2018): The Seismo-Hydromechanical Behavior during Deep Geothermal Reservoir Stimulations: Open Questions Tackled in a Decameter-Scale in Situ Stimulation Experiment.- Solid Earth 9 / 1, 115-137.
Cuevas J., Ruiz A.I., Fernández R. (2018): Investigating the Potential Barrier Function of Nanostructured Materials Formed in Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS) Designed for Nuclear Waste Isolation.- The Chemical Record 18 / 7-8, 1065–1075.
David C., Wassermann J., Amann F., Klaver J., Davy C., Sarout J., Esteban L., Rutter E.H., Hu Q., Louis L., Delage P., Lockner D.A., Selvadurai A.P.S., Vanorio T., Amann Hildenbrand A., Meredith P.G., Browning J., Mitchell T.M., Madonna C., Billiotte J., Reuschle T., Lasseux D., Fortin J., Lenormand R., Loggia D., Nono f., Boitnott G., Jahns E., Fleury M., Berthe G., Braun P., Grégoire D., Perrier L., Polito P., Jannot Y., Sommier A., Krooss B., Fink R., Clark A. (2018): KG2B, a Collaborative Benchmarking Exercise for Estimating the Permeability of the Grimsel Granodiorite – Part 1: Measurements, Pressure Dependence and Pore-Fluid Effects.- Geophysical Journal International 215 / 2, 799–824.
David C., Wassermann J., Amann F., Lockner D.A., Rutter E.H., Vanorio T., Amann Hildenbrand A., Billiotte J., Reuschle T., Lasseux D., Fortin J., Lenormand R., Selvadurai A.P.S., Meredith P.G., Browning J., Mitchell T.M., Loggia D., Nono F., Sarout J., Esteban L., Davy C., Louis L., Boitnott G., Madonna C., Jahns E., Fleury M., Berthe G., Delage P., Braun P., Grégoire D., Perrier L., Polito P., Jannot Y., Sommier A., Krooss B., Fink R., Hu Q., Klaver J., Clark A. (2018): KG2B, a Collaborative Benchmarking Exercise for Estimating the Permeability of the Grimsel Granodiorite—Part 2: Modelling, Microstructures and Complementary Data.- Geophysical Journal International 215 / 2, 825-843.
Doetsch J., Gischig V.S., Villiger L., Krietsch H., Nejati M., Amann F., Jalali M., Madonna C., Maurer H., Wiemer S., Driesner T., Giardini D. (2018): Subsurface Fluid Pressure and Rock Deformation Monitoring Using Seismic Velocity Observations.- Geophysical Research Letters 45 / 19, 10,389- 10,397.
Gischig V.S., Doetsch J., Maurer H., Krietsch H., Amann F., Evans K.F., Nejati M., Jalali M., Valley B., Obermann A.C., Wiemer S., Giardini D. (2018): On the Link between Stress Field and Small-Scale Hydraulic Fracture Growth in Anisotropic Rock Derived from Microseismicity.- Solid Earth 9 / 1, 39– 61.
Jalali M., Gischig V.S., Doetsch J., Näf R., Krietsch H., Klepikova M., Amann F., Giardini D. (2018): Transmissivity Changes and Microseismicity Induced by Small-Scale Hydraulic Fracturing Tests in Crystalline Rock.- Geophysical Research Letters 45 / 5, 2265-2273. Kinali M., Pytharouli S., Lunn R.J., Shipton Z.K., Stillings M., Lord R., Thompson S. (2018): Detection of weak seismic signals in noisy environments from unfiltered, continuous passive seismic recordings.- Bulletin of the Seimological Society of America 108 / 5B, 2993-3004.
Krietsch H., Doetsch J., Dutler N., Jalali M., Gischig V., Loew S., Amann F. (2018): Data Descriptor: Comprehensive geological dataset describing a crystalline rock mass for hydraulic stimulation experiments.- SCIENTIFIC DATA 5 / Art. 180269, 12.
Muuri E., Matara-aho M., Puhakka E., Ikonen J., Martin A., Koskinen L., Siitari-Kauppi M. (2018): The sorption and diffusion of 133Ba in crushed and intact granitic rocks from the Olkiluoto and Grimsel in-situ test sites.- Applied Geochemistry 89, 138–149.
Muuri E., Sorokina T., García D., Grivé M., Bruno J., Koskinen L., Martin A., Siitari-Kauppi M. (2018): The indiffusion of 133Ba in granitic rock cubes from the Olkiluoto and Grimsel in-situ test sites.- Applied Geochemistry 92, 188–195.
Schneeberger R., Egli D., Lanyon B., Mäder U.K., Berger A., Kober F., Blechschmidt I., Herwegh M. (2018): Large-scale structures governing water flow in crystalline bedrock at Grimsel Test Site (Switzerland). Abstract 9.15.- Abstract Volume 16th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Bern, 30th November – 1st December 2018 : A habitable planet, 263.
Spillmann T., Madritsch H., Deplazes G., Hauvette L., Fiebig B., Keller L., Hoelker A. (2018): Seismic analysis of overdeepened Quaternary deposits, Northern Switzerland. Abstract 11.12.- Abstract Volume 16th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Bern, 30th November – 1st December 2018 : A habitable planet, 325-326.
Tachi Y., Ito T., Akagi Y., Satoh H., Martin A. (2018): Effects of Fine-Scale Surface Alterations on Tracer Retention in a Fractured Crystalline Rock From the Grimsel Test Site.- Water Resources Research 54 / 11, 9287-9305.
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In Press ^ Top
Kaufhold S., Dohrmann R., Ufer K., Kober F. (2018): Interactions of bentonite with metal and concrete from the FEBEX experiment - mineralogical and geochemical investigations of selected sampling sites.- Clay Minerals DOI: 10.1180/clm.2018.54. [preprint], 37.
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Schneeberger R., Egli D., Lanyon G.W., Mäder U.K., Berger A., Kober F., Herwegh M. (2018): Structuralpermeability favorability in crystalline rocks and implications for groundwater flow paths: a casestudy from the Aar Massif (central Switzerland).- Hydrogeology Journal, [preprint], 14.