The overall goals of the LASMO project are to test monitoring systems, technologies or methods and to collect monitoring data in order to identify baseline conditions and disturbing events. In detail, the objectives are to:
- Establish and test a multi-parameter monitoring system for collecting data on groundwater pressures and chemistry, seismic signals, displacements, stress and deformation
- Update existing or develop new (i) geological/structural, (ii) hydraulic, (iii) hydrochemical and (iv) stress models in 3d of the geosphere around the gts and to the surface
- Monitor tectonic/seismic activity and develop a stress model
- Identify the characteristics of baseline data and identify deviations that are induced by known natural or anthropogenic perturbations
- Use perturbations of known timing, orientation, magnitude and frequency to test measurement techniques and the predictability of models
- Combine the obtained data in an integrated interpretation and iteratively update the above mentioned geosphere models using the new findings
- Integrate monitoring data into the gts database or create new databases (e.g., microseismics, hydrogeochemistry) and improve data management processes