The aim of CRIEPI’s in-situ experiments at the GTS is to demonstrate the performance of newly developed technology for fracture characterisation and tracer testing. The relevant parameters of the investigations are fracture aperture and geometry. The following methods have been applied:
- High-resolution borehole camera images
- Analysis of dissolved radon
- Various tracer tests
- Borehole-to-borehole acoustic tomography
The experimental programme has required a relatively simple but very well understood geological environment in fractured rock. The ideal target fracture is planar, open without filling and has a minimum dimension of a few meters.
The initial challenges for the GTS team were to select, prepare and characterise an appropriate site at GTS, where the demonstration experiments could be performed. Throughout the project the responsibilities shifted toward technical and logistical on-site support, monitoring and reporting.
Schematic model of the C-FRS target fracture and research boreholes
CRIEPI’s Fractured Rock Studies - C-FRS